Oops, Breaking The Rule Of "no Political Talk" For Me, But...

Tolerance and free speech is professed by the left until you disagree with them or they don't get what their way, then it's excoriate you and burn it down time. The melt down here is embarrassing but when you think about it the brainwashed generation that is acting out hasn't ever really experienced a failure of this type, they've just grown up in the Obama era and its professed utopia. This is cataclysmic and without equal for them...

Well put.Here in the UK ,after the white working class spoke out via their brexit vote against the economic and social migrant scourge they've had to tolerate for too long,we on the right look upon the left much as one would a petulant teenager having a tantrum,that is,with a mixture of indifference,tolerance and a wry smile.He who laughs last laughs longest.

You are spot on, no one cared about the inner workings of our election process until it did not serve their purpose...

I see the current situation like I do with so many other things... As a Christian, Baptist to be specific I will absolutely take a stand against the group called Westboro Baptist for what they say, how they say it and where they say it. They claim to be Christians and use the same scripture I do but I will go head to head with them in a discussion all day every day to show why they are wrong. I will stand against them even through they carry the same name, Why? Because they are wrong... We need this same attitude when there is a terrorist attack and it is actioned by Extreme Muslim Terrorist and we need people to stand up and call out Donald Trump, President Obama, Hillary Clinton and anyone else that spouts pure garbage and rhetoric. I don't agree with all the Republican party even though I tend to lean that way I always look for the BEST solution I can find. The longer we all know each other here on the forum the more we all agree that we just want what is best for our country.. Chelle and I have the exact same concept, look at all the facts then let's talk about....

I am not a Trump supporter, I think both candidates are terrible.. The super sad part is that what we are witnessing is the very best that the poltics in America can produce to present to the American people... Now... They ALL need to go, Fail for GOP represenatives, fail for democratic represenatives and there has to be change, any change is better than party line conformity!
I have a question only you guys can answer . as Americans , does the idea of a female leading your country seen unacceptable ? . Obama beat Clinton now Trump beat her. Clinton didn't present her case to you on many issues , Trump made many outrageous promises that he may not be able to deliver on .But was he the best of a bad bunch running for office? We had Helen Clarke run out country for 9 years , she/he (juries still out ) made many serious changes here without the mandate of the people . I wish you all well in what's going to be a trying time over there
does the idea of a female leading your country seen unacceptable ?

In all honesty I could care less, however with that said I do know that many were voting for Hillary just because she was a woman just like many voted for President Obama because he was black. There has to be some level of core competency that a person has to have before they can take office. This same line of thinking that many have would never work in any other profession, 'hey she is going to be the first woman pilot" but she has no experience or training just would not end up well. You would never go to a doctor because they were black or a woman or their race, you would expect them to have a degree and a medical license.

I want someone that is willing to compromise and work collectively. Not everything in politics is a hill you have to die on, you don't get your way at work in any other profession so why should a politician always get not only what they want but how they want it. There are some things that they should not waiver on but there are many things that are just good and because it wasn't your idea that doesn't make it bad.

I want someone that is going to work it out, can look past themselves and not be polarized with PRIDE and can humble themselves with the responsibility of what they have asked to take on and who they represent.

I want progress not just change!

I have a question only you guys can answer . as Americans , does the idea of a female leading your country seen unacceptable ? . Obama beat Clinton now Trump beat her. Clinton didn't present her case to you on many issues , Trump made many outrageous promises that he may not be able to deliver on .But was he the best of a bad bunch running for office? We had Helen Clarke run out country for 9 years , she/he (juries still out ) made many serious changes here without the mandate of the people . I wish you all well in what's going to be a trying time over there

I personally couldn't see any clear accomplishments with Clinton's career. Everything she got was thanks to Bill. Every time the race got tight, it seemed like you saw more bill an less Hillary. Down the stretch it was more Obama. I also had concerns for her health, she had some weird seizure looking moments and also had that issue at the 9/11 memorial where she "passed out". The left leaning media all said it was sweltering hot and when I looked up the temp that day it was about 70.
In the republican primary there was a woman I liked, named Carly Fiorina. She was a non-politician and ex CEO. I didn't agree with everything she said but she was definitely better than trump in my opinion. My first choice was Dr Ben Carson though. I wanted somebody stable, trustworthy and who better than that guy?! He ran John Hopkins and separated the brain of conjoined twins, that guy can handle pressure and understands how to run the country like a business. My hope for the future is that thanks to the trump win, Carson can get some experience in his cabinet and run again. That may be the future of the party.
I totally agree with the misgivings some people have about trumps temperament but he's not bought and paid for like Hillary and a business mind is something that I think could help our job market/tax codes plus, we need to sure up our borders. The other thing that people forget is that Trump is not alone with his finger on the nuke button. He has surrounded himself with seasoned politicians and generals which I fully believe he will lean on. Trump got where he did in business by surrounding himself with good people like Omorosa, not by being an ego maniac. More importantly I hope he nominates a good justice.
Hillary at one point said she would have bill work on the economy, the left loved it and I further believed she was incompetent. That's one of the main reasons any president gets elected and she will just pass that off.
I have a question only you guys can answer . as Americans , does the idea of a female leading your country seen unacceptable ? . Obama beat Clinton now Trump beat her. Clinton didn't present her case to you on many issues , Trump made many outrageous promises that he may not be able to deliver on .But was he the best of a bad bunch running for office? We had Helen Clarke run out country for 9 years , she/he (juries still out ) made many serious changes here without the mandate of the people . I wish you all well in what's going to be a trying time over there

As one of the few females on the oRg I'll throw in my opinion - I'm finding I'm also one of the few in my circle of female friends that does not like Hillary Clinton. My views on her have nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman and everything to do with her politics, her pandering for votes, her double standards that I could never see past to even consider her a viable option.

I'd love to see a female as POTUS one day, but not simply because she's a woman, but because she's qualified and loves this country more than she loves making history.

I wish I felt other women in my circle felt that way; they were definitely more enamored with the entire history-making moment over substance. That's no way to cast a vote.
As one of the few females on the oRg I'll throw in my opinion - I'm finding I'm also one of the few in my circle of female friends that does not like Hillary Clinton. My views on her have nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman and everything to do with her politics, her pandering for votes, her double standards that I could never see past to even consider her a viable option.

I'd love to see a female as POTUS one day, but not simply because she's a woman, but because she's qualified and loves this country more than she loves making history.

I wish I felt other women in my circle felt that way; they were definitely more enamored with the entire history-making moment over substance. That's no way to cast a vote.
I agree. when Bill Clinton was here I had a chance to meet him on his walkabout . he had charisma that I don't see in our leaders . but felt Hillary was riding on his coat tails. I too expect any leader whether male or female to have the qualifications and passion for the country to make a good leader. unfortunately for us Helen Clarke served her own agenda and turned our country into a nanny state where the government knows best attitude . Condaleza Rice may have made a good leader. I guess time will tell in how Trump goes. what some Americans don't see from our perspective is the unknown factor of him, many countries are concerned as we all see America as the cornerstone of democracy and security .
I have a question only you guys can answer . as Americans , does the idea of a female leading your country seen unacceptable ? . Obama beat Clinton now Trump beat her. Clinton didn't present her case to you on many issues , Trump made many outrageous promises that he may not be able to deliver on .But was he the best of a bad bunch running for office? We had Helen Clarke run out country for 9 years , she/he (juries still out ) made many serious changes here without the mandate of the people . I wish you all well in what's going to be a trying time over there
We would rather the first female prez to not be a felon. I would think the women of our country (ok the left leaning women) would rather a better example as well but they speak as having a vagina is the only qualification, sad.
We would rather the first female prez to not be a felon. I would think the women of our country (ok the left leaning women) would rather a better example as well but they speak as having a vagina is the only qualification, sad.
Did Clinton break laws? did Bush jnr break any laws ? people say the war in Iraq was unlawful . l wish all you folks well and hope people unite ,Trump stated "make the U.S. great again. in my view it always was ,maybe some people have forgotten that,
We would rather the first female prez to not be a felon. I would think the women of our country (ok the left leaning women) would rather a better example as well but they speak as having a vagina is the only qualification, sad.
I doubt Helen Clarke had one, she was more man than blokes I know
I personally have zero issue with a female President - or a Black one, for that matter. But not just for the sake of making history.

I've said for years, put Condoleezza Rice in there, though I wouldn't just vote for her until I hear her platform and full plan. I loved her when she was in politics, that she stood up to others "in the system" and never took their crap. I have so much respect for her...
I've said for years, put Condoleezza Rice in there, though I wouldn't just vote for her until I hear her platform and full plan. I loved her when she was in politics, that she stood up to others "in the system" and never took their crap. I have so much respect for her...

Calm, deliberate, well-educated, self-controlled, polite, soft-spoken, humble... I can't see her ever being willing to dig into the dirt that an election would bring. Still, there's a cabinet office with her name on it somewhere.
I agree, she's too smart...
Morning vaBusa , Good replies from all over there, I hope you are all well.we here are waking up to see another destructive earthquake to hit our country but blessed to see few casualties .


We all hope. hope any you guys can come here someday to ride our roads try our food/coffee

I'd love to...

Someone's started a thread about the earthquake there, even mentioned you and hoping everyone there is OK. You'd better chime in!
I'd love to...

Someone's started a thread about the earthquake there, even mentioned you and hoping everyone there is OK. You'd better chime in!
Im good thanks i live in Auckland , cantab is from that region , we did feel the earthquake up here too.we understand the angst some in California feel .