Hell no you can't drop this thread.

I am willing to give up my IT career and be a road and non-virgin tester. Virgin tester would kill an old man like me. Non-virgins should be good duty and lots more of them around too. Riding the roads in the one and only virgin (ne stock) busa would be OK too.

Echelon has to be maxxing out on this one.
Turtle, arcording Dirty Pete you are going to do nothing in Hayabusaland... so, close your mouth and keep your tongue safe :)

I have more to do there... just dont ask me what ... hehe
Are we going to have dentists in Hayabusaland?
Only pretty ones like OwnerFan?

Pete's right OwnerFan, you have a very polite lady like way of getting our imaginations going.
Marriage should be banned in Hayabusa land. No nagging wives (or husbands) allowed.
Is it ok if I start to stockpile virgins now ? Then by the time Hayabusaland becomes a reality Lyle won't have to worry too much about the supply of non-virgins being sent over.
Thanks Lyle...

Dirty Pete, can we change the day of invasion? I will be a little busy on thursday. How about saturday? Interesting saturday night then... Music, wine and busaowners...hehe :)

Guys... you are great!
Here is an idea for the new Hayabusaland t-shirt:

We need Argentina Virgins t-shirts, with Argentina crossed out and Hayabusaland stamped over it!

Time to kick around the Hayabusa patch idea again Pete!

Don't stop now you are on a roll!
Drawing up plans for arodynamic sunshade with dingleballs to fit in with local population for the tropical climate ,with built in beer cooler in hump for drinkin on the the go. That'll be legal too to right ?
All towns should be about 20 miles apart to give a good ride.

Between each town there should be 3 freeways:
dead straight (lots of lanes)
curvy banked (couple of lanes)
tight 'n twisty (one larger lane each way)
and nice BIG roundabouts at each town where you can get your knee down and decide which
exit/freeway style to take next.

Everyone should be given a free mobile phone, to meet up for rides and stuff, and calling the 24hour 'Busa technicians who endlessly ride the roads with a small trailer complete with tools, free tyres, fuel, and a small portable dyno.

Nurses will also ride the roads for those few needs you may have, nurses of course to be hand picked from the cutest virgins and made to wear little white nurses uniforms and high heels.

Anyone caught riding slow and holding people up should be made to sit on a (disabled) ZX-12 in the town square and make "vroom vroom" noises for a whole day while people throw rotten fruit at them.

The days of the week shall be renamed;
Nurse patrol obviuosly would carry the standard emergency resusitation kit, IE, intravenouse turbo charged 55 gallon supply of Jack Daniels (black of course) for BJ and Georgia white liteing (160 proff ) for the more hardy mountain boys, and special reserve Tai sticks liberally coated with hashish, and joyfully rolled in orange sunshine. the head nuts need to twisted on tight, of course. almost forgot the rolled 100 dollar bill with a bouble line of agent orange for us mekong delta vets

[This message has been edited by BJ (edited 23 November 1999).]
Wow and I thought I was nuts!

Keep it up you are killing me with laughter!

Screw Hapo, I "borrowing" his med's from now!

Just one question?
Between the queens Jamie and Fitch is there going to be a King, or are they going to take turn with the strap-on? (remember Baylor)

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 23 November 1999).]
Yeah Pete, whaddaya mean, getting spiteful and abandoning the rebel overthrow force? You're our lunatic leader, fercrissake! Motoboy, don't stop Pete when he's rollin'!

BJ, I really, honestly thought these plans were being concocted in protected, encrypted, total privacy...how dare they snoop on us!!! Oh well, so the cat's out of the bag....if you can't surprise 'em with secrecy, baffle 'em with BS.
Can we get the invasion over with quickly, please, so that I can get in under the wire before Dirty Pete gets me thrown out of .ORG for 1) not owning a Busa and 2) not posting often enough? Since I want to learn to ride a Busa, and everyone who knows how will be in Busaland, I need to be there too!

In the meantime I could join the pool of non-virgins if they get to take pillion rides as compensation for their other duties...