...I regretfuly decline the post of President of Hayabusaland ,as I feel that I am unqualified for that position...you never know when I might decompensate in some unpredictable manner, and you could end up with some positivly Woody Allenesque legeislaton enacted, such as a 7:30pm Curfew, or perhaps some Strictly Enforced Underwear Regulations...how ever, I will hold the post in an honorary manner untill a properly corrupted official can be emplaced by whatever devious mockery of a sham you want to pass off on the surviving Argentines as a free election...maybe Clinton will want the job , or Bush if he looses....in the mean time I will have the five stars painted on my Busa's Hump, as when Hapo is in Busaland, All will indeed Know his Power, but shall fall Behind him...er, me that is...and the Hump is all ye shall beholdeth! Untill the invasion and total subversion of Argentina is compete, Hayabusaland will have to exist on the road or in your mind, like old time Jews or Gypsys...kinda hard to be the President of that....but I will wear the Stars out on the road, so my constituents can locate me in Hayabusaland to adress me with ther concerns...if any thing happens to me before the proper official President is duly apointed somehow, I pass the torch of power to the FalconCOP 161, as he is the only one other than myself with the right level of psycotic thought patterns to keep this whole thing in the proper prespective...
...could Hapo have Red stars for President? Pretty!
[This message has been edited by Hapo (edited 01 December 1999).]