FIELD DIRECTIVE 666: Check Post One for today's assignment updates and provisional government policy amendments.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 28 November 1999).]
...I regretfuly decline the post of President of Hayabusaland ,as I feel that I am unqualified for that position...you never know when I might decompensate in some unpredictable manner, and you could end up with some positivly Woody Allenesque legeislaton enacted, such as a 7:30pm Curfew, or perhaps some Strictly Enforced Underwear Regulations...how ever, I will hold the post in an honorary manner untill a properly corrupted official can be emplaced by whatever devious mockery of a sham you want to pass off on the surviving Argentines as a free election...maybe Clinton will want the job , or Bush if he looses....in the mean time I will have the five stars painted on my Busa's Hump, as when Hapo is in Busaland, All will indeed Know his Power, but shall fall Behind him...er, me that is...and the Hump is all ye shall beholdeth! Untill the invasion and total subversion of Argentina is compete, Hayabusaland will have to exist on the road or in your mind, like old time Jews or Gypsys...kinda hard to be the President of that....but I will wear the Stars out on the road, so my constituents can locate me in Hayabusaland to adress me with ther concerns...if any thing happens to me before the proper official President is duly apointed somehow, I pass the torch of power to the FalconCOP 161, as he is the only one other than myself with the right level of psycotic thought patterns to keep this whole thing in the proper prespective...

...could Hapo have Red stars for President? Pretty!

[This message has been edited by Hapo (edited 01 December 1999).]
Hapo, don't worry about legislation, rule 5, the rule of violation, should cover any over sights on your part.

Red stars, maybe we could get some surplus Chinese ones for you, along with one of those little hats...

You still up for the diplomatic immunity?
Dirty Pete; You crack me up! It must be bloody cold in Canada to write such an essay.
When you come to Daytona, i owe you a beer for your humour/ humor.
Dirty Pete: You crack me up! It must be bloody cold in Canada to write such an essay.
When you come to Daytona, i owe you a beer for your humour/ humor.
Hapo you will be re-assigned to "The Power Behind The Throne." Medicine is free in that dark corridor of power.

Ianfila thanks the the Bud in advance. I'm going to get my first tattoo there because I think there will be a lot of good artists down there, and I may treat you to a small one too if you feed me enough booze :)
Thanks Dirty Pete. I have to say that is the best job offer I have had in ages. :)
No Way man, I get Toronto! (you should see them Canuk babes! They 10s! And the men? A 3 is doing good!)...does the new position mean I don't get the stars?

[This message has been edited by Hapo (edited 03 December 1999).]
Perhaps my new job could involve blowing things up? I've always enjoyed that. Testing out fuel mixtures on Nitro ZX-12s. Find out just how much you can lean one out (at 12,000,000 rpms)? I'm sure you could get one of the die-hard kawi guys to straddle it during the test (ouch). You wouldn't want to blow up a busa would you? Of course I'll need a lab-torture facility.

Still, ambassador Maui has a nice ring to it. Of course the expense account would need to be significant, after all, hosting the traveling citizenship of Hayabusa land could be costly. Could I do both? Or is there some other discrete yet highly publicized job in store? Also, on the currency, no faces of dead presidents will be available so I propose Ducmanic come up with a few selections, It could really help out the exchange rate.
The virgin to non virgin of the month could be on the paper money as least that way the bills are always new, and we will never have any social problems from the Snobbusa's of *old Money*.

When we stop in at Dazees strip clubs we can use the money wisely.
Currency will be on the sex standard, as in backed by a govt. guarantee of sex on
demand, like the old gold standard. The only denomination will be the $20 dollar bill.
Each bill will carry a different virgins picture. Redeemable on demand. Then the "Non
Virgins" will have full time govt. jobs with full pensions after 20 years of service.
Mandatory age of retirement will be 36.
...what about Hapo's stars!? Hapo wanna check the underwear! There authta be a Law! A Law, I tell ya, then by golly they'll know, and they'll wish to God they didn't!
I want a better job! And a raise too!

I'm not just going to sit in lavish excess with out complaining for more. Kevtec's robots will make me obsolete any way, so I want some thing else. WITH diplomatic immunity! Maybe I can be an ambassador to some where…Italy would be cool, maybe Switzerland…I get final say, so don't get any ideas about sending me to Chad, or the Sudan, or Toronto.
Excellent new talent pool shaping up!

New assignments, re-assignments, de-commissionings, promotions, demotions, citations, transfers, etc. will be updated soon, but only if Santa gives me everything I asked for including a Daffy Duck Pez dispenser. And not a used one either like that cheap plastic magnifying glass he palmed off on me last Christmas. It was so scratched up when I got it I couldn't hardly even fry ants with it. One of those ants looked up at me and laughed and I cracked the lens on the stones when I smashed him. So don't give me a used Pez.
I used to be a normal person. I rode Hondas and BMWs. Now I have a Hayabusa and find myself in the middle of a revolution. Wow!
Dirty Pete, My engineers thread should have over 600 post. What do you think of the new members? There are some real good ones. Although it's not accurate, necessarily to call them new. Some have been lurking for months waiting to post. I think it was a winning move on Chase's part to re-open.

So now the overthrow resumes...I think packa could be a border guard, greet every one with up yours,... your good mate. He's got experience as a guard. We picked up more engineers too. Even got a Veterinarian, Which means Hapo can finally get full medical coverage. We still need a good shrink. DP you up for the Psychoanalyst job? Just tell every one they're crazy! Take one Busa, and call me in the morning. Actually, that would cure just about anything.
As a "NewGuy" who has been lurking for months, waiting to post - I feel it's my duty to join Lyle's task force in Busa Land.

"Lyle has generously offered to patrol around all day on his bike randomly sampling non-virgins for quality. Non-virgins who pass Lyle's rigorous tests will be classified "Current Status Non-Virgins" and will wear the stamp "Lyle check (date), Lyle like" on their inner thigh. Non-virgins who lose Current Status will be shown the cliff."

Ready, willing and able - Reporting for Duty Sir!!

Ask not what BusaLand can do for me, but what I can do to the young virgins in BusaLand.