Ouch,Ouch and Ouch

had one bounce off my jacket and get into my helmet, 2 stings on the neck and one on the fingers killing him
another one got down the back of my jacket, 4 stings until i could stop and get the jacket and shirt off
another one hit the windshield, then the mirror, the stinger and poison sac got stuck on the wrist
best one was a swarm of honey bees, 68 dead bee hits on the bike, 6 stings through the jeans

riding with bees is exciting
  where the hell do you live???
Psst...I know your new here but look under his avatar. See that thing called "Location"?
I have got hit by a palmetto bug once (bout knocked me off my 750F), the thing crawled out of my shirt after I got to a GF's house... talk about a female freeking out... 40 years of bikes, never stung once riding...
oh in case you never scene one, this is a small one.. the ones in AZ are longer, skinnier and just as ugly (florida guys certainly have (pretty much an industrial cockroach with wings LOL)
oh in case you never scene one, this is a small one.. the ones in AZ are longer, skinnier and just as ugly  (florida guys certainly have  (pretty much an industrial cockroach with wings LOL)
That is one ugly bug!

Oh, and guess who went back to Lenny's for a sub tonight? Hint - I cooked a filet on my grill so it wasn't me! I am gonna join him tomorrow though!
God I hate roaches... One night when I went to bed, all I could hear is this loud buzzing noise. I turn on the tv for some quick light and I see this big ass roach flying back and forth across my room. Me being lazy I just trapped him in this candle jar I had laying around and stuffed it under my bed. It wasn't till about 3-4 days later when I was cleaning my room that I remembered about it and when I lifted the jar the damn thing was still kicking! I hate smashing roaches so I just sprayed it to death with some 409 and pledge.

Bad things happen to good people sometimes.
I'm not sure why this happened to you though.
LOL just kidding.
If you crash doing 55 MPH your going to do major damage to yourself helmet or not. I cant understand some of you guys that say you do 130, 140, 150 and so forth MPH, what good is a helmet going to do ya at those speeds? Think about it.
I know a guy last year that was riding his Harley with a few others, on a gravel road at about 20 mph. He fell over & hit his head on a large rock....died right there. So sad, all he needed was a helmet and he would've been laughing about it.  
Yeah, but Billy is too skilled for something like that to ever happen to him.  He can control all the cars, trucks, animals and mother nature herself in his riding environment.
No, I wouldent say Im more skilled than anyone.
Im probably a lot less skilled than most of you.
I just dont like taking the chances and risks that a lot of you like taking, 130,150, 170 MPH.
I like to take it easy and slow because with the busa i feel like i dont have anything to prove with anybody, it just plain looks fast and thats good enough for me.
Billy I have been on 6 major rides this year...

There have been 4 crashes and of these 4 only 1 was high speed, 6 riders down, 5 with substantial helmet damage..

The other 3 (I will save your names from here but I encourage you to post if you would, you know who you are) were all relatively low speed, non aggressive riders that had circumstances handed to them that took them off the road... with the exception of Ms J(I did not inspect her helmet) the other 5 people involved would have been in deep crap had they not had helmets on..

It does not require you take risks and your excuses are pretty much falsehood's you are imposing on yourself as a confirmation of some skewed idea about what is safe.. Good luck bud, you are likely going to need a good dose of it sooner than later...
when i was like 13 i had a little dirt bike and a big ole Louisiana red wasp flew in my helmet. you have never seen anyone stop, jump off a bike and get there helmet off quicker than i did. didnt get stung. dont know how but didnt. i think he was almost as scared as me...lol
If you crash doing 55 MPH your going to do major damage to yourself helmet or not. I cant understand some of you guys that say you do 130, 140, 150 and so forth MPH, what good is a helmet going to do ya at those speeds? Think about it.
Wow. you havve no concept of reality, do you?

Ask Gary Busey how a concrete curb feels at 25mph(He almost died, and was lucky not to be the vegetable you talked about).

I hit a crysler New Yorker head on at 85mph. I SURVIVED, and more noteably, I am 100% healthy due to gear.
check this thread for my old GSXR

live your life how you want, just know, that it might be alot shorter, or more painful than it has to be.
On topic
I had my visor half up, and hit a bee. The bee hit the edge of my visor and was cut in half. Well, half of the bee ended up in my mouth.
Sucks about the wasp deal, but that's part of the joy of motorcycling.

I'm all about choice brother, but I can't understand why the fugg you don't wear a helmet. You would have been better off if you did not try and justify your choice to not wear a lid.
hmm if i woulda been stung 3 times i'de be dead, i passed out in my buddies truck from a bee flying by with my arm out the window with just 1 sting
Billy somebody loves you and you owe them at least a chance that a helmet may save your life at any speed you may crash God forbid I have been riding since 1974 and have seen helmets work over and over they really do work man I think Over Easy said it already sure its not going to save you if you impact something directly but for crying out loud brother there all kinds of scenarios that can occur where a helmet will let you live do whats right, get a helmet on
Bees and wasps suck i have had that happen before where all you want to do is get pulled over as fast as you can and get that bad boy out of your helmet or jacket or wherever he managed to infiltrate
You guys are right, its better wearing a helmet than not wearing one when you go down that is.

I just feel safer without a full faced helmet cuz I can hear whats going on around me better and have a better side to side view and not soo much of a tunnel vision.
But ya, if ya go down its always better to have a helmet on.
You guys are right, its better wearing a helmet than not wearing one when you go down that is.

I just feel safer without a full faced helmet cuz I can hear whats going on around me better and have a better side to side view and not soo much of a tunnel vision.
But ya, if ya go down its always better to have a helmet on.
Everybody that slams you for not wearing a lid is just giving you some "tough love". It's really a form of positive peer-pressure.

Nobody wants to read about you in the news for becoming another statistic.

Your excuse that you feel safer without a full-face helmet is asinine. Wear a helmet.
If this young man wants to add to NATURAL SELECTION so be it....
I just hope his family has GREAT Insurance
You guys are right, its better wearing a helmet than not wearing one when you go down that is.

I just feel safer without a full faced helmet cuz I can hear whats going on around me better and have a better side to side view and not soo much of a tunnel vision.
But ya, if ya go down its always better to have a helmet on.
You must hang with a bunch of hardley riders. I work with a bunch of them and hear the same exuses all the time. My buddy Paul swore up and down he would never wear one for the same excuses. While were are at the bash he called me and told me about a good/childhood friend of his. They were leaving a bar (no alchohol involved) and were going to a gas station 3 blocks away. Paul made it, the other guy didnt. He hit a dog, fell and hit his head at 15mph. He died on the scene. Paul called to tell me he gets it now. The next time I saw him on the bike he had a lid on. I gave in a big hug and told him I was glad it wasnt him. You dont want to learn a lesson like that. Oh buy the way, the guy had a his first child 2 months prior. Little girl with no dad because he was too cool to ride without a dangerous helmet.