Outrageous Price for an exhaust system - but I am going to buy it

I paid 285 dollars for my rs3s used but they sure aint as pretty as the ones you're getting. Go for it. If thats what you want don't settle for anything else.:thumbsup:
Its a very unique system and the money may still be here long after you are dead. Looking forward to the pics...now with that said when my time comes to buy an exorbitant part for TNT, she's getting a turbo. :beerchug:
are you insane??????????????????/ You can get that Yoshi exhaust for $1029.00

better keep on shopping. I'm sorry Don, but you need to keep shopping, I looked at this exhaust long ago, there are more threads on it.. they told me the SAME crap. all MSRP pricing.. no one pays MSRP.

bayside has em.. do a search on the org.. there is a link to their site. $1029 for a kit.. not sure if its dual.. you'll have to call them to find out.

personally.. and strictly personal.. that kind of money, definitly a turbo kit.. hands down.
don't get me wrong, people have blown more money and gotten less, but the price doesn't match.

that said, i know i'm not the smartest when it comes to spending money on my bike. i spent $600 the other day on a custom license plate ( 10 years @ $60/yr ), so maybe i'm not the one to talk. but geez.. wait a few months till it comes down to a normal price.. seems like it should be around $2000.
Hey folks, and this is IMHO, if Don, or anyone, has worked and saved he is allowed to spend HIS MONEY the way he wants to do it. I am sure he has searched prices and looked at other exhausts and has found WHAT HE LIKES FOR HIS BIKE!

Do you Don, buy what you want to buy for your bike.
No offense Don but you are going to be one pissed off dude if you pay $3,400 for that exhaust system. Good luck if that's what you want... :beerchug:
are you insane??????????????????/ You can get that Yoshi exhaust for $1029.00

better keep on shopping. I'm sorry Don, but you need to keep shopping, I looked at this exhaust long ago, there are more threads on it.. they told me the SAME crap. all MSRP pricing.. no one pays MSRP.

bayside has em.. do a search on the org.. there is a link to their site. $1029 for a kit.. not sure if its dual.. you'll have to call them to find out.

personally.. and strictly personal.. that kind of money, definitly a turbo kit.. hands down.

Where can you get that exhaust for $1029?! everyone of my friends in Malaysia and Japan that i contacted about yoshi of japan got me quotes way higher than that. The slip ons i looked into the magic metal, and blue glass titanium were 1700 for the slip ons.

The exhaust listed on yoshi usa web sit is not the same thing. it's a single exhaust, stainless header and the header is the same as all the other yosh exhaust. The one don has listed is titanium, dual muffler and has a larger header primary.
i spent $600 the other day on a custom license plate ( 10 years @ $60/yr )
You guys are so lucky. - Turbo kits here cost $10,000 fitted, and my personalised plate costs me $550 per year, thanks to our State Government ripping off everyone.
I paid 600 for my used (like new) r77 full exhaust w/ power commander so I really cant relate on exhaust price. IMO I could think of a lot of other ways to spend $3400 but at the end of the day its your money. Goodluck with your decision!
I spoke with Yoshimura early in the week about the exhaust system pictured here. I got an email today. The exhaust is $3450 with half due at time of ordering AND the price is subject to change based on the current exchange rate. ETA will be early September. I will be getting the bike in the next 90 days and will order the exhaust shortly after.


Btw, if I did the math correctly that full dual system weighs about 14.2lbs.

hey i have duel yoshi that i can sell u for alot less then 3400i bought them and i decided to go into open alien head exhaust...
I spoke with Yoshimura early in the week about the exhaust system pictured here. I got an email today. The exhaust is $3450 with half due at time of ordering AND the price is subject to change based on the current exchange rate. ETA will be early September. I will be getting the bike in the next 90 days and will order the exhaust shortly after.


Btw, if I did the math correctly that full dual system weighs about 14.2lbs.

i have duel yoshi i can sell u for way less..i bought them and decided to go to aliean head...am open to offers....will me in parts for sale on classfield forms..
I would be inclined to spend less on the exhaust on put money into suspension. An OHLINS sticker will look a lot cooler than a $3800.00 Yosh.