Outrageous Price for an exhaust system - but I am going to buy it

Bayside Performance, Canadian Source for 98-2010 Motorcycle Parts, Sportbike Accessories And Apparel

is where I found it. Like I said, not sure if its for duals.. but I would contact them.. and if it ain't duals, there are ways to make this duals and save $2000. very possible. I'm just looking out for an ORG member. Get the best bang for the buck and put the $2000 in more things.

Good luck Don in your findings.

its duals but slip ons. they are still charging 1300-1400 for slip ons on that site.
are you insane??????????????????/ you can get that yoshi exhaust for $1029.00

better keep on shopping. I'm sorry don, but you need to keep shopping, i looked at this exhaust long ago, there are more threads on it.. They told me the same crap. All msrp pricing.. No one pays msrp.

Bayside has em.. Do a search on the org.. There is a link to their site. $1029 for a kit.. Not sure if its dual.. You'll have to call them to find out.

Personally.. And strictly personal.. That kind of money, definitly a turbo kit.. Hands down.

definitely not the same system.... I had a 2002 zx6r with muzzys $2700 ti system on it and it was night and day vs their regular system.

I'll hook you up like before if you do go that route...
I would be inclined to spend less on the exhaust on put money into suspension. An OHLINS sticker will look a lot cooler than a $3800.00 Yosh.

LOL. I will be doing ohlins forks and mono-shock but prolly not till next spring. I want this exhaust because it is unique.

Thanks for all the positive comments and all the opinions too guys, but, I haven't even bought the bike yet. Prolly going to be mid September before I can get that done. The bike will be cash, we don't finance anything anymore.

I spoke with Yoshimura early in the week about the exhaust system pictured here. I got an email today. The exhaust is $3450 with half due at time of ordering AND the price is subject to change based on the current exchange rate. ETA will be early September. I will be getting the bike in the next 90 days and will order the exhaust shortly after.


Btw, if I did the math correctly that full dual system weighs about 14.2lbs.

:wtf: Whooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa wait a friend like my GenII R77 for his GenI what he do was that he got a pair of used carbon slip-on R77 for $500 and talked with other friend that know how to weld and then we measure cut and weld and his bike looks nice.The point here is that you can get a pair of tri oval slip on of a GenI if don’t came for GenII and make it fit to your bike or get a Vance and Hance header and get more power with a lot less money. :beerchug:
I am not a big fan of a turbo on anything, especially a bike. Love superchargers, but not turbos.

i'd recommend spending the $3400 towards a bike............crazy!

in the end, it'll still look like a cheaper yosh exhaust, i'll take a akra ti exhaust and C/F bits.
Will you adopt me? :)

Very cool, but that is gonna hurt like heck if you drop it..
i'd recommend spending the $3400 towards a bike............crazy!

in the end, it'll still look like a cheaper yosh exhaust, i'll take a akra ti exhaust and C/F bits.

I'm going to see if I can find pics of my last busa so you can see that I am a bit of an elitist. I waited 10 weeks and spent $240 on a windscreen just because it was what I wanted.

whatever floats your boat, it'll still look like a cheap yosh to 95% of the bikers out there, the other 5% would have alot better things to spend all the $, whether performance or looks.
Ill be honest, I dont think an exhaust is worth paying $3,400 on, you could do alot of things for that kind of money. But, that being said, its your money, spend it how you want to. I will say if you do get it im sure youll be the only one around with it thats for sure, but god if I were you id be scared as **** to drop my bike and scratch the cans.
Why not a turbo kit for that kinda money ? Atleast there you'll get a increase in power if thats what you're after....

My advice... don't do it ... but it's your money