Handcuffing a dead offender is protocol. We're not medical doctors but cops. Now really you been looking for this guy all shift , told repeatedly how dangerous he is and he fails to comply with lawful commands, exits the vehicle with a throwing knife less than ten feet from you, Really Adrenaline is a factor as well. He just wanted to go home at the end of the day.
Exellent points Dad. This particular cop just seems a bit of a Nervous Nellie. Its easy for everyone to play Monday Morning Quarterback...Walk a Mile in My Shoes,etc. I just have the personal feeling that if given an' order (the cop) like "Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes" he would have pee'd his pants and fired his musket before the command was even finished.
Like you said thou,it was 6:42 AM,likey the end of shift,cop was probably wired on 17 cups of Starbucks etc.
I would have done exactly what this cop did....I just would have looked way cooler doing it.
Calling for the trauma bag showed some compassion thou. Althou I'm not sure grabbing the forcepts and pulling out the 8 or 9 Glock rounds would have done much good.
A weapon is a weapon I suppose...but the chances of making a throwing knife stick in a moving target wearing a kevlar vest are slim to none. I am very handy with throwing knives and axes and can call you the likelihood that the cop would have been injured are slim to none. I can stick a throwing knife deep into a non-moving stump at a precise distance, time and time again. Can I do it all tangled up in a seatbelt twisted the wrong way with a gun in my face all jacked up on emotion....
Not a chance.
But again...Monday Morning Quarterback krap. I'm just glad you come home every night Dad.