Over re-acted a little?....

Given that this thread is essentially a debate over the incident, it seems rather obvious that there IS MOST CERTAINLY a "question about it". Hayabusa.org is a military/cop website? Sounds like you've made yet another unfounded assumption.

It's notable how you've given every benefit of the doubt to the criminal yet none to the officer. You're asumptions seem to be as follows: The nice, innocent, well-meaning, model citizen of a suspect that did nothing wrong was needlessly gunned down by the evil, corrupt, trigger-happy officer that woke up that morning with a bad attitude and a power trip and simply planned to go out and murder someone.

Is that truly your assessment?

I think that about sums it up...:laugh:

Fool and Beer...I'm actually interested to know how you would have handled this.

Fuel and Beer doing his best to make new friends....

Yeah, no kidding. You hear that it is a site with cops and military guys and you start a thread saying how wrong a cop is for defending his life and doing his job? What kind of response did you think you were going to get?
I think that about sums it up...:laugh:

Fool and Beer...I'm actually interested to know how you would have handled this.


He already explained, he would let the known violent criminal/parole violator/felon (as explained in the morning brief before his shift) get up on him and put a knife through his heart. Or let him reach back in the truck and pull out that shotgun he just stole, or even purchased earlier that day, or that 40 cal one of his buddies loaned him.
This thread and the video is clear evidence of an age old adage which I guess the victim never heard.....

Don't bring a knife to a gunfight.
About my only question here would be if the officers knew he was armed and dangerous why would he approach the perp alone with no backup and initiate contact with no back up present. I just asking because it seems like his backup was roughly 2 minutes behind him? Maybe a larger show of force could have defused the situation all together?
I think that about sums it up...:laugh:

Fool and Beer...I'm actually interested to know how you would have handled this.


condomrubbersidedown , i in no way would have reacted like that if i was a cop.....can you imagine if every cop in America reacted like that that cop did how many innocent people would be dead...I think we just have to use simple common sense use .
Everyone can easily play Monday Mouring Quarterback.. You wouldn't have done it likt that. WELL...haw would you have done it?

About my only question here would be if the officers knew he was armed and dangerous why would he approach the perp alone with no backup and initiate contact with no back up present. I just asking because it seems like his backup was roughly 2 minutes behind him? Maybe a larger show of force could have defused the situation all together?

It's known as fight or flight. There would be no enforcement of our laws if we all stood by and waited for criminals to do the right thing. A better question would be, why did the criminal commit crime, why did he violate parole, and why didn't he just raise his hands like the officer, driver, and passenger ask him to do. :laugh: Oh and why did he attempt to exit the vehicle with knife in hand.
It's known as fight or flight. There would be no enforcement of our laws if we all stood by and waited for criminals to do the right thing. A better question would be, why did the criminal commit crime, why did he violate parole, and why didn't he just raise his hands like the officer, driver, and passenger ask him to do. :laugh: Oh and why did he attempt to exit the vehicle with knife in hand.

What do you think of this video.....How could the police of handled this situation differently?
I really think there are some under trained officers in the room if there are any at all...
What if i told you i was an officer? Would you believe me, i really wouldn't care if you believe me or not.... Now how could the police of handled this situation differently? kinda like reverse rolls from the last video.

Before I review anything you should know that it's very easy to review a small segment of video sitting in the recliner over and over again and listen to all the Monday Morning Quarterbacks that have never been in policing, had the training, understand to an extent what's going on at that moment. It's another thing to be in another persons shoes at that exact moment with the exact environment and the exact circumstances. Throw out a scenario to a hundred officers and you'll get a hundred various responses based on so many things I won't try to list them.

I discovered many years ago that the officer doesn’t decide when the fight is over; the suspect does. The officer can, however, help them come to this decision, and follow-through is part of that process.
Officers are human. I will not critique or speak badly of these two officers who appear to have died in the line of duty. I don't see a reversal of rolls.
It appears to me that you came to post this just to get a reaction that you can argue with.

YOU were not in the cops position. It is easy to say that you would have done anything differently because YOU WEREN'T THERE

You have no idea what the officers orders were prior to the encounter.

You probably think that Trayvon was an innocent child as well, and that Zimmerman was breaking the law too.........

I agree about the videos and no one really knows what went on before the videos but why do all the videos make it appear that way? There probably is more to both videos than meets the eye, who knows.
to be honest its scary stuff, some dude gets wasted seemingly a known fellon.

you just don't get these situations to often in England

I agree about the videos and no one really knows what went on before the videos but why do all the videos make it appear that way? There probably is more to both videos than meets the eye, who knows.

You still haven't told us how you would handle the first situation....???

If I'm wrong...and the cop is wrong... whats yer right way?

Saved the taxpayer some cash. If you are a criminal then you know what to do when a cop says put your hands up