Pacific Northwest

The hip is feeling better. I can feel my foot again so I can ride the Busa. It's a shame the weather is looking wet again. I was looking forward to riding more this week.
Where the heck've you been buffalobreath?
Here, there, everywhere...
Who wants to go be a surrogate father to my bike? Should still be sitting at the stealership waiting for me. She knows she has a daddy, but she's never met him, and I think she feels somewhat dejected over the whole deal. I know *I* feel dejected... The only thing that can come between me and my bike is Iraq (or the Army in general).
I have garage space, and an 08 of my own to abuse. I will gladly put only the miles that you would like the your baby to have prior to your arrival.
Is everyone in a coma here? Two days and not a single post? WOW! I didn't know it was Summer already. I need to get out of the house more.
Looks like Sunday might be nice. If it is I'm going riding. Does anybody wanna' go too? I just looked on Soundrider for an organized ride on Sunday. Well, there is one, but it's for the gays
. Maybe I 'll put tassels on my handlebars and go.
Sorry "butt" if you go on that ride ( no pun intended ) You are not allowed to post here anymore !

Just to clear things up, I don't want to offend anyone (BaBusa) , I have nothing against gays !
I'm looking to ride too, how far do you want to ride?

Frisbee did you go out to Mapel Valley today for the bike night. It started at 3 so more like bike afternoon.