Pacific Northwest

I'm leaving to go down to Pacific Raceway for their test n' tune. I'm just using it for a destination, not to race. If any of you guys are bored and looking for a place to go come on down. I'll be there at least until two.
So I'm up at 0130 (1:30 am for all you civilians
) and I'm doing online correspondence courses to earn more points so I can finally make my Sergeant... damn this is boring. I wish I was home!!!!!
My little bro is either nuts, or has big huevos...

He's pullin up stakes (from Lewiston, Id) and moving to Jacksonville Fla.   He's going to do the AMA Prostar series....  He'll be riding for ECSdyno in the "real street" class...  no bar, stock wheelbase, 1500+cc 250 hp motor with either a 50 or 100 dryshot.

Frikkin goofball....  Hope he does good!

Not on my bro specifically...since he leaves in a week and a half....

He missed the first race of the season. Valdosta, Ga.

But his bike builder/rider did not. Walter Sprout, owner of ecs, runs in the pro-street class...

Out of 18 bikes, he finished second. Second to Velocity racing.

I'd say anyone that can build a bike that will run to the finals against Velocity is doing a pretty good job.

He is almost finished with my bros bike. I'll try to post up some pics when I get 'em.
Hey guys. Just stopping in to say hi. I've been so busy I can't keep up with all your page turning.

Hope everyone is doing well.
I'll have my bike torn apart within the first few weeks after getting it. I decided to buy the bike stock, and do most of the work myself. I've got a TiForce 4-2-1-2 Carbon Fiber 380mm setup waiting for me, and I'll be getting a Pipercross race filter soon too. There are plenty of other things I plan on getting in the 5 months before I make it home so I'll be busy after I put a couple miles on the bike
Ride leaving from Silverdale Bremerton area Sat 8th 10:30
if your interested...

details here

Plan on heading out the usually dewatto to belfair to 106 to 101. Nothing special since its still dirty out but just gonna cruise.

be there at 10 leaving at 10.30
corner of Newberry Hill and Seabeck

Yahoo! Maps, Driving Directions, and Traffic

Basic route for tomorrow. Starting at A ending back on Highway 3

Yahoo! Maps, Driving Directions, and Traffic
Looks like a nice little ride wingding..

be sure and take some pics!
Wow what a ride today. I met up with cbast and 6 other riders and we hit it hard. About a 5 hour ride hitting speeds over 140 on several occcasions. Twisties along the water front and through the forest. Cars moved out of our way like we had sirens. The guys that organized this one said the road were dirty so we'd just be cruising..ya RIGHT! The roads were pretty good actually and everyone road well. We ate lunch at a dive pull-tab bar. We stopped at a retired military fort. The ride was actually very senic but at those speeds I'll just have to take their word for it cuz I didn't see much cept the dudes in front of me.

Check it out:


Retired military base? Isn't that Fort Casey? It's been so many years since I've been there I can hardly remember. Then again I'm sure there is more then one retired base around the area. Looks like a blast though... maybe one day I'll be able to join up!
Good to know.  I visit Portland on ocassion.  I'll have to ride the Busa down and give you a call this Summer.  I'm planning on doing a Summer ride down 101 (middle of the week to avoid traffic).  Anyone is welcome to go with.  :13:
Keep me informed of your plans to ride 101. I live about an hour away from that hwy and have always wanted to ride it all the way to cali.
Hey stkflkr,

I'll keep you posted as plans evolve. It will involve a few stops along the Oregon Coast. I will be camping most of it, but getting a motel every few days to get me and my ear cleaned up.