
Pain - Pain


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Worst pain I've ever had was after a tooth extraction; developed "dry socket" and it pretty much has to work itself out, takes about 10 amount of pain killer helped me with that one...
 I found myself wishing I were in labor over that pain
 It was bad...

I hope you're on the mend/able to control the pain...
tooth pain hurts for shure,but i saw my wife go through labor with 3 kids and i would not want to be in her shoes. tooth pain must be a close went through both,you know better than me

i go monday hopefully to end this.
if not going to use the old string and door trick.
or maybe string to sproket trick and drop her into first and twist my right hand

Fractured Ribs (1) hurt worse than broken ribs (2) there is no muscle in your body that you can move with your ribs hurting (3) you pray that you don't sneeze cough or puke.

I went to the ER, they were doing a cat scan and the machine broke.. I had to lay in there for about 5 mins before they fixed it. Felt like 3 days... I was crying and beating on the scanner.

BUT the BEST feeling is right when you are going under..
I've been through the appendicitis trip. It hurt, but not s much as the separated shoulder. The tooth pain is definitely in the top 5!

Glad to hear the can get you in tomorrow. God speed busa-rich.
I got you all beat...dislocated shoulders, torn ligaments, fugged up teeth,'s the real trophy-winner:

throw your fiancee off the back of your bike in cargo pants with no helmet, fall off said bike n watch your fiancee tumble down road after you...then rush over and see her scarred face, wrist, knees...and whole inner thigh.

I would voluntarily submit myself to everything else you folks listed to take away the memory of doing what i did. Ive fallen off the bike by myself doing 50mph into grass n dirt wearing just a tee n jeans; been punched/kicked more times than I can remember; wrecked in 2 different cars; been rear-ended at a stoplight in my cage; hit in face with softball off a short grounder (buddy hit ball right back@me-i was pitching); tore muscles in lower back so bad I could not bend over to take a s**t without crying, even on Vicotin;

nothing compares to hurting someone u care about just to prove what a f*****g jack*** you can be. anybody else feels different, hasn't done it yet-n hope they never do. Physical pain only hurts while you are conscious... guilt follows you everywhere, even when u sleep.
Well BigD, I think we have you beat for physical pain. You get the blue ribbon for emotional/psycological pain.

How's she doing now?
I got you all beat...dislocated shoulders, torn ligaments, fugged up teeth,'s the real trophy-winner:

throw your fiancee off the back of your bike in cargo pants with no helmet, fall off said bike n watch your fiancee tumble down road after you...then rush over and see her scarred face, wrist, knees...and whole inner thigh.

I would voluntarily submit myself to everything else you folks listed to take away the memory of doing what i did. Ive fallen off the bike by myself doing 50mph into grass n dirt wearing just a tee n jeans; been punched/kicked more times than I can remember; wrecked in 2 different cars; been rear-ended at a stoplight in my cage; hit in face with softball off a short grounder (buddy hit ball right back@me-i was pitching); tore muscles in lower back so bad I could not bend over to take a s**t without crying, even on Vicotin;

nothing compares to hurting someone u care about just to prove what a f*****g jack*** you can be. anybody else feels different, hasn't done it yet-n hope they never do. Physical pain only hurts while you are conscious... guilt follows you everywhere, even when u sleep.
We all do stupid stuff. Sadly, it isn't stupid until it goes wrong. Just be glad you got off easy and you are both still here.
I would have to attest to the Shoulder injury, Going into shock from pain is the strangest thing. Then after surgery the months of Therapy just so you can function somewhat normally. It aint fun.

Now I want to know who voted for "Shot in the Head".. Lets hear your story!
My vote is for blowing out 3 ligaments in the same knee.

Raider out.

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all that hurts.....and i wouldnt wanna have it, but what kills me is a migraine. that will bring me to my knees in tears before most of those up there

(exception of the bullet in the head)
all that hurts.....and i wouldnt wanna have it, but what kills me is a migraine.  that will bring me to my knees in tears before most of those up there

(exception of the bullet in the head)
I'll raise you one migraine and toss in back labor and a mean doc that wouldn't come off the meds LOL

No, my experience with dry socket was much worse...I wouldn't wish that on anyone except for maybe Bin Laden
all that hurts.....and i wouldnt wanna have it, but what kills me is a migraine.  that will bring me to my knees in tears before most of those up there

(exception of the bullet in the head)
I'll raise you one migraine and toss in back labor and a mean doc that wouldn't come off the meds LOL  

No, my experience with dry socket was much worse...I wouldn't wish that on anyone except for maybe Bin Laden
excedrin migraine..sometimes 2 of 'em...sunglasses and a quiet space.

only things i've found that help...not cure, but help
Well BigD, I think we have you beat for physical pain.  You get the blue ribbon for emotional/psycological pain.

How's she doing now?
i dont know about being 'beat' w/physical injuries...yeah physically i haven't been really put thru the ringer, but thats because I heal good n tolerate pain well.

I can take morphine or some other 'drug' to make me feel better about a broken this or that...but they dont make a 'forget u were a dumbazz' pill.

Doctor who did my CATscan, MRIs, n x-rays asked how i came off my bike last year-told me my neck should be broken...but at the time I was doing deadlifts of 200+lbs, and shrugging 120lb dumbells with each arm...i.e: my neck was almost 20" around and itd take a whole helluva lot to break it. Not so big anymore, after taking 2 mos. off lifting i lost 20lbs, put it back on and then Amy n my friends wife had an 'intervention' with me...i used to use 'supplements' u dont find in GNC.

I forgot before to add I broke my foot at age 4, by stomping too hard-apparently I had quite a temper in daycare

oh n Amy is doing better-back at work n scars are healn well thanx
i voted road rash...simply because not only do you hurt...but the busa must be hurting too!!!!!
The Nazi war criminals that pose as dentist at MCRD Parris Island were extracting a tooth and broke the tooth leaving the root in my jaw . The next 2 hrs were something from a Hellraiser movie with archaic tools like a hammer and chisel . Afterwards the dentist said he'd never seen anyone take that much pain without screaming and that I must have a high treshold of pain and gave me like 20 percodan . He warned me that as bad as it might have hurt in the chair it would be really bad later after the novicane and the meds wore off. I went straight to the no duty barracks and around chow time they brought a food cart around. I'd taken one pill about 20 minutes before they came so it was starting to kick in . I sat up on the rack and the hold barracks went tunnel vision on me . Meaning from where I laid in my rack looked to be about half a mile to the food cart when it was probably only 6 racks away . I laid back down thinking that was way too far to walk for food and the bed started floating off of the floor towards the ceiling . I'm holding on to the rack for dear life cause I feel if I let go I'm going to float thru the ceiling and out into friggin space where I can't breathe.
When I left Parris Island I still had 19 pills left in that bottle . From my piont of view the pain kept reality in perspective for me.
I vote road rash... but only because the one that is the worst isn't on there... About 10 years ago I was climbing over a waist high barbed wire fence... I pushed the top wire down and swung my leg over... As I was swinging the remaining leg over I accidentally let go of the wire and had it impale me in the junk. to add insult to injury... I popped it out of me and went to flip my leg back over and let it go again... The bag was the next thing to get perforated... Now I am bleeding like a stuck pig all over (well not all over really more of a localized area) and I have a two mile walk back to the car.... When I finally get home I make my girlfriend look under the glad bag to look at the hole I have managed to gift myself with... She refused... I dumped her a week later. I had to go to the medic on post to have myself checked out... That day sucked.