Now you literally had your "kids future in hand" and you ACCIDENTALLY LET GO, and TWICE at thatI vote road rash... but only because the one that is the worst isn't on there... About 10 years ago I was climbing over a waist high barbed wire fence... I pushed the top wire down and swung my leg over... As I was swinging the remaining leg over I accidentally let go of the wire and had it impale me in the junk. to add insult to injury... I popped it out of me and went to flip my leg back over and let it go again... The bag was the next thing to get perforated... Now I am bleeding like a stuck pig all over (well not all over really more of a localized area) and I have a two mile walk back to the car.... When I finally get home I make my girlfriend look under the glad bag to look at the hole I have managed to gift myself with... She refused... I dumped her a week later. I had to go to the medic on post to have myself checked out... That day sucked.
Damn bro, I wouldn't admit that even to my wife
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