Paint Help

If your doing the inners make sure you use flex primer and and flex promoter. If you want smooth inners use the promoter first. After the promoter dries you can put a few coats of primer, let the primer dry and then sand it a little. Then put a few more coats let dry and sand. DO NOT pile the primer on b/c it wont work. If your going to do the inners you wanna do them right. Just make sure you use the flex primer and then you shouldnt have any problems.......  

I think the smooth inners look so much better. Just take your time....


My promoter is clear. The above pics of the dark blue mirrors show a light primer of some sort. will my color turn out right if i spray it on black mirrors, or is the mirrors gonna be darker than the bike? should i get a white type primer?
<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
My promoter is clear. The above pics of the dark blue mirrors show a light primer of some sort. will my color turn out right if i spray it on black mirrors, or is the mirrors gonna be darker than the bike? should i get a white type primer?[/quote]

IMO, the color rite is not an exact match to begin with. Where it is the mirror, it is not laying right next to another panel. ie. fairing and nose fairing.

you wont even notice it.

<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
who makes the flex promotor and flex primer and where can i pick that up???[/quote]

A local autobody supply house
bulldog is a flex promoter, but if you are doing your inners, you will need to use the flex primer to fill in the rough surface to get nice smoothe panels like Alex said. hth's.
your autobody supply house can help you.
Thanks brendanp for all your help. I really want to get started on this, but its very cold here. I dont think the wife would be happy with the house smelling like paint and my overspray all over the furniture
Maybe I will take them to work and spray them there...
Another thing... When you are spraying with your rattle can. Stay 6-8" away from the part. Too close and your metallic can build up in one spot and look really bad. My final color coat, I like to back up a bit from my part and get a nice full coverage coat on. This helps to flow out the metallic.
Remember, when spraying your color, dont try to get that real glossy look by applying too much at once! The clearcoat is what gives you the shine. Most of your 2 part paint systems, the color will look a bit dull before you apply the clearcoat....