Your dad rides with you? Thats awesome, see thats something I wish I had as a kid. That being said and as stated above, IF and when you do get the sport bike... keep riding with him, never leave him behind and always keep pace with him, dont make it a race for him to keep pace with you... as he realises you ride just the same on both bikes, he will slowly gain a respect for the new one and be less worried. But most important of all new bike or not, this is a wonderful thing your father is doing with you so dont do anything that would discourage it because as you are older and branch off from the house it will be something you will always be able to look back on as an awesome time... so what im trying to say, is 1) never leave the old man behind 2)dont let him down 3) dont make his fears come true(because remember even though your not with dad you still do have your OWN pace that will take getting used to on a different bike if you take a crash or get a ticket or something stupid like that, his fears will be confirmed, he will hate sportsbikes for a long time or maybe forever.) Any number of these 1-3 or all will make him feel alienated and uneasy and may make him not want to ride with you as much, which would be heartbreaking... make your old man proud, so that when your a pops yourself you may ride with you, dad, and your kid like old times
Bikes not what matters, family does
P.S. When I was little I had a little thing like this going on as well... and depending on if your paying for the V or not, let him know you still appreciate the other bike and have the same love for it as before you got the sportbike. If your going out for a ride, and he asks you, or its been a while since you have... take out the V over the sportsbike, just so he knows its still there.. k im done ranting... good luck!
Bikes not what matters, family does
P.S. When I was little I had a little thing like this going on as well... and depending on if your paying for the V or not, let him know you still appreciate the other bike and have the same love for it as before you got the sportbike. If your going out for a ride, and he asks you, or its been a while since you have... take out the V over the sportsbike, just so he knows its still there.. k im done ranting... good luck!