Speculate away! :stirpot::stirpot:
I feel like i should start a poll before i release the results
Taking ques from Charlie Sheen eh
Speculate away! :stirpot::stirpot:
I feel like i should start a poll before i release the results
I fail to see how a Harder alloy in a lever is makes it that much better. I'll agree that most of what you get from a Pazzo is the name. I won't dispute that it's harder, but tell me how much harder is better. How many more cycles will a Pazzo lever provide over a stock one before it becomes unserviceable? Tighter tolerances (less slop or play) would be better standard than hardness, but that would seem to be negated, given the varying quality control and tolerances of the OEM mountings. The best fit would probably over sized, so it could be "fitted" to each application.
I would consider a Pazzo better than a non adjustable lever, but it only has 6 positions? Same as a stock adjustable? ASV has dozens of increments. Levers are more cosmetic than functional in most cases.
Not sure about hardness and that really isn't what I meant.
I think it very hard to know how many cycles a lever will go thru ?
We will have to get Goatkart to set up another one of his machines.
My point would be if material, form and most other things are close to each other but price is significantly different than the Chazzos would make sense ..
Ooh this will be too cool if the Chinese lever turns out to be a better stronger lever and all we are paying for is the name.
Pazzo will most def get a link to this thread in email if that turns out.
I'd love to see if they sign up so as to post a rebuttal.
Bah, who cares? I love mine, got a great ride with them on Sunday and my front wheel never locked up once
Okay, I missed the point. The test being indicates Hardness. Thought you were saying if the Chazzo was harder it would be "a better stronger lever".
I was thinking Chembo but Chalfer sounds much better! I already have a Bagster tank bra or I would be buying a Chagster tank bra off ebay!
Hahaha i love how the "ch" makes everything thats already in existence sound normal like a real brand hahahaha lol
I could use some Chit Bull Stands.I was thinking Chembo but Chalfer sounds much better! I already have a Bagster tank bra or I would be buying a Chagster tank bra off ebay!
I could use some Chit Bull Stands.
I was thinking more along the lines of ChaxleysI could use some Chit Bull Stands.
I could use some Chit Bull Stands.
I was thinking more along the lines of Chaxleys