Joker is correct, I sent him rough schematics on how the seat is constructed and we have been working through dry fitting a working model prior to purchasing the materials and fabing up the seat. I have had a lot of offers to make these for be honest I have a company set up, but this my first job kills me on time. Secondly, I really enjoy when I can find something that someone offers up and does not want to charge for...I just love bikes and based on the overwhelming response I will be glad to put a thread together on how to do this seat mod.
I will put up the drawings, instructions and helpful hints if there really is enough interest. Maybe we could do a working thread for those that want to try this mod???
As for the strength on this unit...I have load tested this with a several hundred pounds of lateral does not move, it does not bend. On a hard launch with my wife on the back (5'4" and 110 lbs, she was able to lean all the way against the seat and remain comfortable, stable and safe. Long haul comfort is great as the Tobin foam and the angle that I set it at allows her to sit back and relaxed.
Yes, no, maybe...your thoughts...
I will say this JOKER has been wonderful to talk to as we have worked on a number of issues with this and I am looking forward to hearing how his version of my seat works.