That old zzr had about 4 grease nipples under the linkages, I'd only owned if for a few months when I noticed a bit of a 'clunk' in the rear. Up on the center stand It was obvious the swing arm bearings were dicky. I pulled it out and it was dry as a bone inside, two sets of needle bearings and a roller bearing, stuffed! It had never been pumped full of grease and what was there from the factory was minimum. I got the hayabusa and went looking for the nipples and it had none? Modern sealed bearings. I was a bit skeptical at first but they seem to hold up. Anyone ever had an issue with them?
I would like to wire my grip heaters to an "ignition on" circuit. (Not that I have ever left them on and killed the battery...)

It's been a minute since I've played with relays.

With this loom, switching on the key (and hence the tail light), activates the relay, which completes the circuit from the battery to, in this case, my grip heaters?

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Corresponded with @smithabusa He pointed me at one of these. Super excited. I think it's going to be a great solution.

That old zzr had about 4 grease nipples under the linkages, I'd only owned if for a few months when I noticed a bit of a 'clunk' in the rear. Up on the center stand It was obvious the swing arm bearings were dicky. I pulled it out and it was dry as a bone inside, two sets of needle bearings and a roller bearing, stuffed! It had never been pumped full of grease and what was there from the factory was minimum. I got the hayabusa and went looking for the nipples and it had none? Modern sealed bearings. I was a bit skeptical at first but they seem to hold up. Anyone ever had an issue with them?

I used to service my dirt bikes periodically. Not so much on my road bikes. It's not a terrible job.

Over two months to my, hopeful, trip to the other side of the Steens Mountain and the Alvord Desert. The west side is paved. The east side gravel. Best guess in 50 miles of dirt road on the Suzuki. Sounds slow.

The LSR guys on the Bonneville salt had scooters with radiators packed with salt from the front tire sling. I've got the factory oil cooler screen and an aftermarket radiator screen. I'm toying with the idea of a light sheet of plastic to tie to the cooling units, maybe 3" wide, to reduce stone damage. Dunno.

I really want to see this. Never seen a dry lake bed. I've dual sported all over. But a street bike on a dirt road is not fun. Just have to be patient I think. And hope it doesn't rain. A slimy layer of mud could be miserable.

Two months to go. I'm Googling the route. Planning my fuel stops. The ride will be +/- 50% new ground. Should be fun.

Toying with the idea of taking the drone. Valuable space though.

Be nice to get away for a few days...

A buddy of mine just sold his BMW. Got me thinking.

I'm sort of getting tired of tripping over it. I'd really like to get a 'Busa lift in the two stall and a wet bar...

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There looks to be enough money there for a garage makeover, with some new tools and a lift, and a project bike with a few new parts to get you moivated.
Finished the movie Out of Nothing. One of the guys has a serious anxiety problem. The end of the film was powerful.

I don't think that I have ever dealt with serious anxiety. I would like to say that I have reasonable self preservation tendancies. But I know many people look at things we do and shake their head.

I have a family member that struggles. While I try to check in periodically, to be there with encouraging words, I don't know what else to do. In my mind it's about building on successes. Step one: walk out the front door. Step two: walk out the front door and (enter thing here). As time goes by, I can easily see: 1) this pattern becoming permanent, and 2) this anxiety severely damaging relationships. A nasty spiral.
Not too bad. A bit of sediment in the bottoms. Possibly the first time it's been apart. The pistons cleaned up ok with fine steel wool.

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Yeah, that doesn't look too bad.
At least after this you will know that any future issues would make me suspect the ss rear brake line itself, as they do fail, and without fluid leaking, I have personally seen it twice, rare, but it does happen.
You previously said that you already rebuilt the master-cylinder, which are easy to diagnose as weak or leaking.
With a stainless-steel brake line, you should Easily be able to lock the rear wheel, with light pedal pressure, so much so that you have to adapt to more rear brake finesse when going from stock line to ss line.
And since you never noticed that before, makes me wonder about the line itself, especially after not finding an awful rear caliper.
I guess you'll soon find out
Newly rebuilt calipers never hurt anyway
Yeah, that doesn't look too bad.
At least after this you will know that any future issues would make me suspect the ss rear brake line itself, as they do fail, and without fluid leaking, I have personally seen it twice, rare, but it does happen.
You previously said that you already rebuilt the master-cylinder, which are easy to diagnose as weak or leaking.
With a stainless-steel brake line, you should Easily be able to lock the rear wheel, with light pedal pressure, so much so that you have to adapt to more rear brake finesse when going from stock line to ss line.
And since you never noticed that before, makes me wonder about the line itself, especially after not finding an awful rear caliper.
I guess you'll soon find out
Newly rebuilt calipers never hurt anyway

Thx boss. We did the lines last summer. If this fails, I'll upgrade to drum brakes.
