Are you sure we are not twins seperated at birth?it's a bad idea. CELL PHONES are a bad idea. but we can't see that because we are too busy being too busy all the time to evaluate. we are over busied all the time but it's all good because we keep up with it with Outlook calendar synced to blackberry, cell phone PDA, lists, times and schedules and there is nothing wrong with that.
...or is there?
connectivity is up, but "COMMUNICATION" is neutered. relationships failing and ignored or worse: replaced. children are raised by robots while the parents stay busy. A.D.D. [or having too many things to focus on than the brain was designed to handle] is up, people drink to calm down, take ANTIDEPRESSANTS to cope with.... that's right: their overburdened life. people pay therapists because family no longer has time to listen.
it's a bad idea.