Personality of Busa riders.

A quick scroll through the polls during my lunch hour yields the following facts about Hayabusa riders.

2.) At least 80% wheelie some time or another.

3.) 32% Don’t mind riding in the heat.

4.) Don’t mess with them 28% weigh over 240lbs and 60% over 200lbs.

5.) Daring bunch, around 61% have been ticketed on their bikes.

6.) 42% have ridden over 500 miles in one day and 9% over 1,000 miles.

7.) Riding in the winter, 67% will ride below 50F.

9.) 89% believe you are never too old to ride on the track.

11.) Fast bunch, 90% have been over 150 mph at some time or another.

12.) Computer geeks? 58% spend more than 4 hours a day on the net.

13.) Social bunch, 83% are on Facebook.

14.) For bike mods, 55% have spent more than $2,000.

16.) When it comes to women body builders, 68% don’t think that is sexy.

17.) Average age over here on the polls is 38 years old.

20.) Those dragging knees, make up 26%.

22.) Gone down between 1 and 3 times? 57%

These are the ones I fit into.
4) I just moved from the > 240 into the > 200 catagory :cheerleader:
6) both catagories
17) Way above average :laugh: