Picked a fight with an r1


Man I wish I had my PCUSB, I know I'd give the edge in these races but oh well, I don't have it. I have a friend who knows people withs bikes 2 of them R1s and 1 R6. Well Supposedly this R1 will take me. All he told me he has is PC, Ignition Module, and TRE I know he has more. I told him my mods but he says he's gonna ask me to pop my trunk to see what I got...but nothing will be there lol
He seems pretty confident that I will get him off the line and in the 1/4, but he would need a mile stretch to get me saying he is topping out at 220 (kinda stuttered lol) and Im topping out at 190. So early next week this will happen. Anyone have a PC I can use lol, I will even overnight ship it back Im serious lol. So I will see what this guy has instore for me

ALSO........talked to an aquiantance today and will run his ZX10 if its dry (been raining everyday this week!!!!!) so I expect him to pull, only because of the fact this boy is LIGHTSWEIGHT talk about 150lbs Im pushing 180-190lbs both around the same height 6ft. But I am counting of the fact that he wont go full throttle in the first 3 gears becuase of the front wheel, he even said that, not even knowing I was taking this info to my advantage ahahaha (we were talking wheel base and wheelies on my bike eheheh gotta be sneaky) So whether I win loose its all good!! All in the name of fun, hell I'll even talk #### just to get a race started heheh.

Oh and I am to go riding with a guy I talked to in HS that has a 1000 on Saturday and go ride with more people so looking forward to that. All this fun starting to happen when I am thinking of selling my bike!!!!! WTH lol
he ain't topping out at 220 until he has a little hair dryer in there.

its gonna take well over 200hp to get er up to 220.

I bet that would be scary on an R1 also with that little fairing.
Well if I were you, I would start celebrating early

Had a little run in with an R1 a few weeks ago....Maybe the guy I spanked moved to Houston real quick & looking to try it again. Some people never learn...oh well.
220? What, on his SPEEDO? ? ? HAHAHAHHAHAA! ... and here I'm reading in Sport Rider mag about them adding TONS of mods and dollars and know-how into a brand new ZX-10R, then running it at MAXTON to reach high speed records and getting 190s.... MAYBE!

Bottom line have fun racing, find a quiet SAFE place... better yet, have them meet you at a drag strip
I wouldn't have all the stuff need to run at the strip, He said well find a backroad and have the fun so it should be be good. Don't worry I am not celebrating early. I actually expect them to win, well at least 58% but I still have confindence in myself!