Stay away from that deal!! Panels don't even match, no telling what its been through? lol..."Little bit of body damage". The panels are completely different to that year / model on both sides no less. You can find MUCH better for 8k. Stay away from that girl.
Oh wow, I couldn't agree more!! Nose cone and tank don't match the rest of the bike so who knows! Even at 6G I'd be very wary of purchasing this bike!
Don't make an impulse buy and regret it!!
thank you! thank you! THANK YOU! i knew talkin to yall would help. i thought there was something strange when i couldnt find the color scheme in the 06 line up.i coulda made a big mistake.
ok well then....shoot! darnit, and shucks too. i almost got screwd by a go figgure.
ok i guess im now lookin for a Hayabusa. in wyoming, if i can. found an 07 in Glenrock 30mi. away, guess i'll go look at it tomorrow. wont pay more than book though, and it better be low mi. sweet shape. if its the one im thinkin about its silver, and quite nice.
well the search is on. fevers still hot
thanks again!!!
went to the shop today to question them more about the 06 and its non matching panels. after looking again i am NOT buying that 06. but what i did do is fall in lust with a blue 08 w/1000mi on it. can get it for bout $30 more a month. think im gonna go for it. i am really likein the service plan through this dealership. 3yr covers everything, even said theyd wash it every time i want, free oil changes, any defective parts replaced free. really the only reason in buying from a stealership is some kind of warranty. i need a bike i can run 30,000mi with no problems, and if it does break, i don't wanna fix it myself. i got enough bikes to work on. i am going to go look at an 07 in glenrock tomorrow, they were closed today.
i did go look at a victory vison today...$27-$28,000 holy smokes! i can afford a few hundred a month but not another house payment!! sheesh. they are nice. nice an funny lookin.
maybe in 5 yrs i'll find a used one. ya can never have too many bikes.
now i gotta go do me research on the difference between gen1 and 2.
busa busaraa raa raa!