Nice find for sure! Break it in first tho.....8k in 3rd ain't breakin' it in right.
i may have been mistaken, i took it out today and figguured 5krpm in 6th is 95mph.
i really like this bike. but i really hate my driveway! ive got a 3'deep mudhole from my jeep thats holding most the water off my road, but the rest is still sloppy. and it sucks takin a nice new bike down it. ive gotten into the habbit of washin the mud off when i get home. then i hang out with it and drink beer and do shots in the saftey of me shop while i wipe down the bike.
this bike must be givven too much respect to drink and ride on it.
seems like even if nothin happened, it'd still be attempted suicide. i'll save me drinkin for when im home, safe, hangin with me new ride in my own freakin shop, on my own freakin land. :
oh yea, my wife bought a Nintendo WI, said if i could have a WHEEEEE she could too. she rocks!!
and p.s. busa busa raa raa raa yaaa busa!!!