Don’t ride around in A3
I don't know about the Gen 3 but the 1 & 2 are designed to be stable, mainly because the goal was achieving top-end speed relatively safely. I actually think people mistake this slow-handling geometry for weight on the Busa. For example, my BMW GS 1250 weighs 550 lbs or so wet and my Busa is around 530 lbs wet with all the mods. But the Busa feels like it's 100 lbs heavier than the BMW pushing it around the garage.Right, but it is a heavy bike among sport bikes having aggressive geometry, brakes, and throttle, and such designed to be "unstable."
My chiropractor and I disagree...Au contraire please do not ever do a sit-up. There is no motion we as humans make where a sit-up is beneficial. Feel free to speak to a good chiropractor. I am confident they will echo this sentiment.
Sit-ups strengthen the motion forward. It is in fact the opposite strength that holds us up in the crotch rocket position. Excessively strengthening the forward motion via sit-ups would actually add imbalance relative to the back which holds us up.
A sit-up only works the muscles to do...more sit-ups, and no valuable activities. Sit-ups also apply over 700 PSI to vertebrae that are not designed for such.
There are valuable core exercises but not these. As things change I hesitate to make recommendations but I think that the back hyperextension at the gym (lie forward, lift the trunk backwards) is extremely good, and good for holding riders up. Note that one pivots at the hips which are in fact designed for such.
My chiropractor and I disagree...
I've probably done a million sit ups over my career as it used to be part of our daily PT regime and fitness testing...And that is why I deliberately included "good" chiropractor. Your chiro is advising against McGill, a biomechanics expert.
"One study found that 56% of all soldiers’ injuries related to the old test were because of sit-ups."
The language is catastrophic, even from the armed services which in many ways has been an utterly backwards bureaucracy.
Just expect me to obnoxiously pipe up each time I see riders recommending sit-ups to each other. That is outright damaging advice.
I agree in that it all depends what you rode before you hopped on the busa. Sometimes I ride the concours14 on Friday and the busa on Saturday and it feels like I went from an f350 dually to a Tacoma.You are right in the grand scheme of things it is not heavy. Compared to my ZX10 it is heavy. It's all a matter of perspective. I rented a Street glide once, that bike is almost 800 pounds. Not quite twice as heavy as the busa but yeah. Depends on what you are use to I guess.
OK, so I have been told that doing situps correctly is essential by a pretty accomplished Chiropractor. On top of that I have been using them for 50 years and they work wonders. But if you are so against them (and I trust that you have good reason and backup), how about leg lifts? These work too for lower back pain and are less demanding on the skeletal structure.And that is why I deliberately included "good" chiropractor. Your chiro is advising against McGill, a biomechanics expert.
"One study found that 56% of all soldiers’ injuries related to the old test were because of sit-ups."
The language is catastrophic, even from the armed services which in many ways has been an utterly backwards bureaucracy.
Just expect me to obnoxiously pipe up each time I see riders recommending sit-ups to each other. That is outright damaging advice.
...I have been told that doing situps correctly is essential...But if you are so against them (and I trust that you have good reason and backup), about leg lifts? These work too for lower back pain and are less demanding on the skeletal structure. about leg lifts?
Will do; I'll be taking my 2017 FZ-09 in on Tuesday to be evaluated for trade. 'course, if I was ungodly wealthy I would certainly keep the Yamaha. I have zero complaints.That last sentence is every bikers dream. Also beware of new tires. For the rest, don't worry too much you’ll be just fine.
Enjoy and good luck with it.
Don’t forget to post some pictures.
I got a strangulated bowel from doing planks; I got it repaired and the surgeon said: "Don't do planks."My chiropractor and I disagree...
Wasn't sure if I was supposed to LIKE a strangulated bowel! I had back problems from an old football injury. The only thing that worked was situps. been a sit-upper for 50 years so I guess I will be an invertebrate soon!I got a strangulated bowel from doing planks; I got it repaired and the surgeon said: "Don't do planks."
Turns out that some people are more prone to tearing their ab muscles. Not much one can do about it.Wasn't sure if I was supposed to LIKE a strangulated bowel! I had back problems from an old football injury. The only thing that worked was situps. been a sit-upper for 50 years so I guess I will be an invertebrate soon!
I don't understand some of what you're talking about. This is very good. I'll have to start at the very beginning and absorb some of this handlebar vs. tank squeezing strategy. I need to take some courses, do some track days. never been to one. I've always made it up as I went along, and depended on common sense and the will to survive. Now I wnt to actually learn how these things work. The fact that the 'busa was designed in a wind tunnel really fires up my imagination and curiosity. I'm not sure how much touring stuff I'll want to hang onto the bike if it's going to mess up the carefully-designed aerodynamics.As I first get on each ride I try to remember to remind myself to squeeze the tank with the legs. Sometimes I actually remember. It is a massive workout performing this throughout rides, it truly is. Only at freeway speeds and sitting up high with the wind pressure holding the body back is it easier, but even that is minimal because of how slick this bike is. But otherwise the long reach is highly counterproductive to performance and safety. As soon as the legs grab hold of the tank, unfortunately not all, but a large amount of our trunk weight is removed from the bars. Steering control then works like it is supposed to.
Going down significant hills, man oh man...The first time on a steep hill I slid forward, my weight crushed down on the bars, and there was no moving the bars whatsoever. Keep this in mind. The effect magnifies greatly on a forward hill. Squeeze like your life depends on it because it does.
Remind yourself to be smooth on the controls. Shutdown the instinct to grab a fistful of dollars, wait, I mean brake lever. Jerkiness on the clutch, throttle, and brakes is the killer for a heavy bike, wanting to flip that weight right over to the outside of the turn. For slow maneuvers, u-turns, etc., use a constant slight rear brake to stretch the bike and do not hesitate to slip the clutch to have just the right amount of power through it. You likely know all of this but the effect is magnified on this anvil of a bike. I find that vigilant personal reminders of all of this are the key. I know I can do it but seriously, will I remember every ride with such a sparse number of rides each year?
For any significant stop preload the front brake the smallest bit far in advance. As the brake grabs and that massive whale weight shifts forward, the fork is pre-compressed. Then the bike is balanced and ready for the harder braking and the subsequent full stop to go smoothly. Otherwise the massive shift of weight at the stop can generate unsettling forward motion and the subsequent rebound.
I promise I won't if I find out what it is first.Don’t ride around in A3
Hi, John! (applause)@chobers
Aside from the electronics available on the Gen 3, my advice would be to keep the RPMs below 5,500 for the first few runs THEN begin experimenting with the throttle's full range.
It's an insanely powerful bike and goes very fast effortlessly (great engineering).
+1 getting in shape. The whole body but esp the core. Probably no argument on this thread that the best way to condition the legs for squeezing the tank is by riding.
But soon, you will owe it to yourself to feel the magic this bike offers in triple digits. (Full Disclosure: my name's John and I am an addict)
I don't understand some of what you're talking about. This is very good. I'll have to start at the very beginning and absorb some of this handlebar vs. tank squeezing strategy. I need to take some courses, do some track days. never been to one. I've always made it up as I went along, and depended on common sense and the will to survive. Now I wnt to actually learn how these things work.
I'm not sure how much touring stuff I'll want to hang onto the bike if it's going to mess up the carefully-designed aerodynamics.
On the other hand, it's just a hobby.
Now I wnt to actually learn how these things work.