Pictures of my 08 orange/black Busa

:poke::poke: 006.jpg







Guess anyone wanting a 240 or 250 Kit needs to upgrade to a Gen 2, all the 240 kits gor the Gen 1 I have seen are atleast 1/4" off center to the right hand side. Yours looks totally awesome. Love the wide tire look personally and nice choice on only a moderate stretch.
As promised I took some pictures of the rear of the bike :thumbsup:
btw Im under construction @ my house so Im sorry for not the best background for the photos.

That is one clean looking bike. Did you chrome the rearset and passenger pegs or buy them that way.

I forgot how good the orange looks.....that's purdy.:thumbsup:
I'll try to take some today or during the weekend, I actually finally installed th Lord Humongous short exhaust to see how it looks. Will post those later also.

NOOOOOO!!! You gonna humiliate your bike with that pipe. Keep the dual exhaust. If you want the single exhaust get something other than LH pipe. Waste your money...
NOOOOOO!!! You gonna humiliate your bike with that pipe. Keep the dual exhaust. If you want the single exhaust get something other than LH pipe. Waste your money...

Im not keeping them on I'm just trying them on since I already bought a long time ago just never had the chance to put them on. But I'm not changing my dual no way I love my TRS system :thumbsup: