Pictures of my 08 orange/black Busa

You can't go wrong with the orange and black. Looking good. I guess I need to step my game up.
that fat tire kit is smokin, i wanna do the same to mine but aint got the money right now. got anymore pics of your bike?
Where can I order a 250 tire and does it fit on the same rim that the 240 does? I plan to do this when the riding season is over and put on a PCIIIR, Brock Alien Head & a nitrous bottle with progressive power, does ATC sale swing arms that can have the nitrous bottle built into the swing arm? The other mods will be a brocks ultra light clutch mod, Gear position sensor to derestrict the bike. Any input is welcomed, thanks
WoW... That has got to be the purtiest blck & orange I've seen to date!! Great job, not overdone and carried away... Just right.
Where can I order a 250 tire and does it fit on the same rim that the 240 does? I plan to do this when the riding season is over and put on a PCIIIR, Brock Alien Head & a nitrous bottle with progressive power, does ATC sale swing arms that can have the nitrous bottle built into the swing arm? The other mods will be a brocks ultra light clutch mod, Gear position sensor to derestrict the bike. Any input is welcomed, thanks

ATC can do whatever you want. I worked with Kenny at ATC. He is very patient with customers. The 250 tire fits on the 240 kit.
Beautiful bike ! I 'm curious it looks like you spent alot of $ on mods but still have slip ons ? Do you intend on putting 4into1 or any other speed things on her ?:beerchug::thumbsup: