Ping Gixx1300R

I would like to apologize for any inconvience that was caused to anyone that sent the Inners to be painted. I have been going through some personal stuff (I wont go into details). I had a Friend do the Inners for me. I have used him before but this time he screwed up but I will take 100% responsibility. Several of you have decided tosend your Inner Back to me. I will do them and get them back out to you. Others have decided to accept free sets of Ramair seals. Some of those have already been mailed (email me for Install instructions). Again I'd like tosay sorry for the screw up
Thanks for steppin up! Hope everybody comes out square. Don't know you but sorry to hear life is curve balling you right now...
Well gentlemen (and LADIES!!!) I have received my pieces from NIck. I must say even though it took a while and there were communiation issues. They look DAMN GOOD!!! Un fortunately Nick is going thru some things that precipitated these issues. But he did square up with me. I think he also squared up with everyone else. I don't think he is painting panels anymore though. As evidenced by a post I saw on psychobike. But i will say they lookgood. I have yet to put them on the bike. But I am hopeful and prety positive the lines will match up. Thanks for completing the transaction Nick. Good work. I wish you the best!!

No problem BusaBrother,even though I'm no longer painting the panels you still have a 1 year warranty against peeling.
Nick, sorry to hear you wont be doing this anymore. the best work out there via word-of-mouth. now if you own some Nick Smith work, DONT FUGG IT UP!!! they are now CLASSIC PIECES!
