You know what Mrninja, he is not a whine ass! You should Think a little before bashing Tito like he is some little BIOTCH that just so happened to come to and complain! Tito is a member here that has over 700 posts and is a part of this place. I talk to him on a daily basis. He is a damn good guy. And I also have a relationship with Daniel too. So I dont need t get into the middle of that, but what I can tell you is that when someone is excited about "ditching" their stock exhaust for a performance one, and knows that he would like to do it on this coming weekend, and to get it "all fukkin done" to be able to ride the next coming week, then I would be wondering too.
There is no doubt that Daniel is a stand up guy, so spare me the bull sh!t! If he promised it to be out in the mail at a certain date, then he needs to address this if he could not follow thru.
I know for a fact by sellng some of my products here, that you cant pleeze everyone. That is the way it goes!
But dont bash Tito, just cause you got 1 million posts here.
And maybe Danny has not seen this thread yet, but that does not constitut bashing my good bud Tito. We are all friends here. Titos intent was not to stirr the pot, I assure you.