:PING: Greg With "HPC"

THE MAJOR PROBLEM IS YOU HAVE NEVER TOUCHED THE HELMET YOU SPEAK OF, THATS THE BRAIN FONDLING PART...ITS just ramble..................constant ramble with no personal facts!

Whoa.......Whoa Greg, I LOVE that Helmet.... hope this was not meant toward me ???
THE MAJOR PROBLEM IS YOU HAVE NEVER TOUCHED THE HELMET YOU SPEAK OF, THATS THE BRAIN FONDLING PART...ITS just ramble..................constant ramble with no personal facts!

OK GREG, judging from your lack of a reply to my question/statement, I have NO choice but to ASSUME this remark was directed at Me! :devil:
I have NEVER been disrespectful to you, so I don't know where this is coming from? I NEVER said I knew anything about the Helmet nor did I ever comment negitivley on the FACT that you MISS-SPOKE about it being Snell Approved, Hence the reason I started this thread in the FIRST PLACE :director:......TO GET SOME INFO & OPINIONS ABOUT THIS LID FROM THE GUY THAT SELLZ THEM!!!
I believe I even stated that, "even though its NOT Snell Approved it comes down to one's CHOICE", and for ME......Its worth it(not to have to spend 890.00, and it appears to be a Nice Helmet), and I WILL be purchasing one of these lids, Just not sure from whom now! :whistle:
Please BY ALL MEANS, Let me know if this Comment was NOT directed at Me, or i took it out of Context...... but if it was--->:kissass: and Have a Nice day.......