Pitbull vs porcupine

There are only two breeds of dogs that I know of that are just aggressive more often than not.

Absolute rubbish! - I've come across many breeds that are generally aggressive, whether due to being bred for that trait or due to having a generally nervous disposition. Poodles and German Shepherds come to mind.
Well I have to put in my opinion now.

I have been around pits a long time. I will always have at least one pit in my house. My current pit is Coco female brindle and high strung. We have to make sure she runs every day.

When I first met pits my best friend started breeding them. Yes they were for fighting and I have been to fights before. So I would say I do know what I am talking about.

Pits are like so many dogs large or small. They make great pets, fighters, protectors, friends, and poop factories... Each of the dogs are different some don't make good pets, while others do. Some are good fighters while others will not fight unless saving them selves.

Owners of pits need to know the dog they own. Do not get one if you are not willing to learn your dog. If you take the time to learn what type of dog you have you will not have any problems. If you want a family pet make sure you don't pick the high strung dog. If it is high strung make sure you give it a good workout each day. If you are not going to spend time with your pit.... Don't get one...

I have been around some of the meanest pits around. I have been with pits that fight other pits, but live with other dogs and had no problems.

I have owned pits that after having them a short time decided they were not for my family. My wife and I have 6 kids and I would not chance keeping the dog because of it's temperament. So bottom line ... Some are good, some are bad, and some need raised right..... If you want to really learn about pits read " Dogs of velvet and steal ".

Thanks Bob
Add some pics

This was my first pit. Her mom was in 13 fights and I saved her from a life of fighting. She was with me for 14 years. Met Highrise.

Next was Bandit. The pic was taken on my way to having her put down. She was 12 years old. Yes I cried like a baby..uploadfromtaptalk1336140050345.jpg

My current pit.. Coco ...

Thanks for looking.



