Yea, I'm not worried about it. He was rather confident he knew that's what it was. He just wanted the ultra sound to remove any doubt. I'm sure it'll come back fine. Thanks again everyone.
Posted via Mobile Device
that's great, thanks
Yea, I'm not worried about it. He was rather confident he knew that's what it was. He just wanted the ultra sound to remove any doubt. I'm sure it'll come back fine. Thanks again everyone.
Posted via Mobile Device
What is it with all the new people joining that can't seem to keep all their negative comments to themselves? I really don't care what anyone else's beliefs are. I know that we're a family here and this is place I could get some support from, and I knew the ones that have beliefs I do would answer the request (and you have, and I thank y'all for that). But seriously, I have 0 respect for the people on here that have nothing better to do with their lives than go and leave negative comments on as many forum threads as they can. . . Talk about the epitome of immaturity. . . If you don't have anything productive to say, then keep your damn mouth shut.
What is it with all the new people joining that can't seem to keep all their negative comments to themselves?
But seriously, I have 0 respect for the people on here that have nothing better to do with their lives than go and leave negative comments on as many forum threads as they can. . . Talk about the epitome of immaturity. . . If you don't have anything productive to say, then keep your damn mouth shut.
I hear ya! He has 4 posts and now we arent allowed to have faith...sheesh. We ride motorcycles people...we NEED IT. LOL
And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
FYI, I consider none of these wonderful people strangers. Extended family is more like it...
And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
Yea, I'm not worried about it. He was rather confident he knew that's what it was. He just wanted the ultra sound to remove any doubt. I'm sure it'll come back fine. Thanks again everyone.
Posted via Mobile Device
And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
I'm not going to jack the mans thread to argue with you but admins support the praying for and about our members, family, and friends. For that I thank them and in return pray for them.
Hope all your tests come out well and I for one will continue praying for you....