And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
Great news Bro!!!

And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
And to gmmech07, my sincerest apologies that yet another completely harmless thread went south when it simply should have remained a support system for you. It seems to be happening too often lately; must not be many riding anymore.
I'm so glad the news is have to be very relieved!![]()
I have heard that laughter is the best medicine.....![]()
And and just so those that care know, I just got the call back from the doc. It's a simple cyst on the epididymis and nothing to worry about.
Very good to hear bro. Prayer DOES work