Police caught on cam

I think we are all forgetting the fact that these people Broke The Law !!!! No Brainer..................Don't break the law and this kinda of stuff won't happen to you. If you find yourself in a situation where you are getting arrested. Follow directions and SHUT THE FUDGE UP !!!!!!! That is what attorneys are for. Innocent untill Proven Guilty !!!!!!!! The justice department has the Burden of Proof.

Rock - How To NOT Get Your Ass Kicked By The POLICE(Very Funny) - YouTube[/url]

Excuse the language but.......................:laugh:
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True, there are bad apples in every profession and they get punished, fired, ect if they do a bad job, but in this specific profession the "might"(not saying they will) just get a slap on the wrist. I never said that all cops are bad and I dont really know what you mean with a "common US citizen" which I consider most of us here are. A "common US citizen" might never say ALL cops are bad, but cant say ALL cops are good eather. As we are over 30,000 members here, you cant expect everyone to have the same opinion, everyone have their own about everything, but just because its not the same as yours doesnt make it "absurd" sometimes we have to agree in disagree.

I have nothing against cops, they are humans and are allowed to make mistakes, but for those who loose their cool and act like that on those vids, thats a lil extreme and they shouldnt be on the streets.

I would have to ask you this... For those officers that have been tried and convicted by a jury of 12 is that not how the judicial system is supposed to work. 12 reasonable people said a person was guilty, a judge sentences them, often at the reccomendations of the jury... So us citizens were on the jury, listened to all the evidence and made a determination off innocent or guilty then applied time. What more is supposed to happen? If you are referring to slap on the wrist from Internal investigations then you have to hold some faith that there is a reasonable investigation there too. If the incident is of a nature involving an officer then why did the DA or a federal agency not arrest the officer. It just seems like in these days that we will watch a video on the Internet and make a split second decision and bash the officers and often times be wrong, we are so unwiling to put ourselves in the shoes of the cop to understand his side... Now make no mistake..... If a cop is dead wrong then go after him with everything and put him away, selling dope, DUI, all of those crimes where a malicious intent or there was an obvious violation open and shut. HOWEVER, second guessing why they put 10 rounds in him as opposed to 2 (Most departments teach 3) double tab chest one in the head. To armchair quarterback this is unnecessary, unless you have been in a shooting situation you can't understand the focus in the moment. If I can get a few to sway their opinions just a little and realize that not all cops are bad, understand that we (the other side) know there are bad cops too then maybe the chasm between us isn't as large as it started out on the first post in this thread. Once we get to that point then we all have some room to move around in...

Let me say that when it comes down to my life or my buddies life... " I would rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6" any day of the week. I am speaking from the military side of the house but same thing. I am going to be one of these men in uniform when I get back from overseas. They are doing a job. You can't even begin to imagine, unless you have been in there shoes, the amount of pressure that they are under. The amount of weight that is on their shoulders to make the right decision in a millisecond. They don't shoot, someone dies or get hurts and it's their fault for not doing anything. They shoot, they get scrutinized and looked over with a fine tooth for using excessive force. I mean come on!!! And he shot him 8 times instead of 3, like Cap said 2 in the chest, 1 above the vest.... x3 weapons, how many is that? We shoot til the threat is neutralized!!! Bottom line... I take my hat off to every one of the men and women that are doing that day in and day out. Go kick in a couple hundred doors, not knowing what's on the other side waiting on you and come back and let us know how that made you feel!!!
The truth is that most cops have a superiority complex and treat the general public like dirt. Try to defend them (the majority) all you want but the police, in general, buy into gang mentality.

Do you have a study to reference. ???
Chris Rock Just said it best in that video above :rofl: "if the police have to come and get you, they are bringin an azz kickin with them" :laugh:
There is no excuse whatsoever for hitting a handcuffed individual, or the "one holding another hitting" scenario we see all too often in police beating videos. Anyone that hits a person in cuffs or gangs up to beat on anyone is a b!tch. Point blank.

I always make my actions and language very clear when dealing with law enforcement, I don't want to be a victim. Accidental or not, I would still be dead.

I'm trained that having an individual in cuffs is having an individual in control. I disagree with that given numerous groin kicks and headbutts, however I agree with your point and absolutely disagree with the beatings. These cut videos rarely tell the story. We are trained to control ourselves and criminals are trained to distract and enrage. We have to fight nature. It's called an adrenaline rush and we have to do an adrenaline dump. I have seen to many videos of car cams capturing an officer laying stop sticks getting murdered or mutilated. It's no excuse but a possible answer for some of the actions taken at the end of a high speed chase.

And I can tell you that every officer that has contact with you appreciates it.
It shouldn't get you in trouble to simply record, unless you are actively interfering with their work.
I know it tuff for the Officers to keep their adrenaline in check, but at the cameras end up telling the real story, which the Police may not like.
Its getting to be more and more common

I've said it before, it doesn't matter. Record me all you want, I don't even give it a second thought. I have at least two cameras recording video and audio at all times. Any smart cop does to protect themselves from civil actions and the constant threat of loosing your job and / or career.

My advice to anyone recording law enforcement. 1) Stay back as far as you can. I have a little buddy that has befriended me for some reason. He walked up to me on a traffic stop last night where I was the cover officer and gave me some dap. I pulled him back and told him I wasn;t fussing at him but that it was dangerous to approach an officer when they're working. I'm amazed at the people that will actually walk within feet of officers with guns drawn, just amazed. 2) If you're asked to step back, do it. You can video from a distance. Why put yourself in a position to get killed ?
NYPD and Jersey City PD, police abuse is very common. I was raised in both for 18 years of my life. Cops would randomly search someone, throw in in a few blows and get away with it. I saw with my own years daily, weekly, monthly, yearly cops harassing and physically and verbally abusing people with the people not doing anything to provoke them. SO from my OWN experience and what I have seen yes it is very common.

Here in Virginia a few years back when I was in the military, I was reporting to a new duty station. I had no idea where I was or going. I was pulled over by police and they he asked do I know why he pulled me over. I said no, he said this is a high drug traffic area. I said oh ok, I am in the military I am just trying to get to my duty station that I was lost and gave him my military ID. He then proceeded to call for back up, they took me out the car, cuffed me, slammed me on the hood of their car, searched me and my car. Once they found nothing the let me go. I was polite as can be because everyone knows if you say anything ill the abuse will only get worse. Now was any of that necessary?

Basically the way it is now, people are video taping bad cops. And they are getting tired of getting caught on tape abusing their power and are trying to flex their musle and stop us from doing what is right. Not saying all cops are bad, but is seems 50/50 out there now.

I'm sorry for your experiences. Not all actions can be excused. I get complaints all the time when a crime gets reported in an area and we are given a description. Everyone you stop gets pissed. This happens often in high crime areas. I laugh sometimes when I'm told the subject is wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. I know dang well that's gonna match 80% of the guys out walking. What most people fail to realize is that most of these guys just want to live to go home.
Saying most subscribe to gang mentality is not my words, that comes from multiple studies by well respected agencies. Go ask a cop if he thinks his department has an "us against them" attitude if you don't believe me.

With so many on here who think people deserve to be brutiliazed by the cops because they said something wrong plus the blind support of their departments and judicial system, what else is left to do but defend against the defenders.

Remember the uproar over the girl who got extra licks from the judge? She did something wrong, what's the difference? What about the people in the Middle East who are fighting against their government? They are not following the law. Is it OK for them to be brutalized? The difference is only in who you choose to sympathize with.

The us against them is true in a sense. It's law enforcement against law breakers. I've been hospitalized three times in 15 years. In all those cases the plea agreement dropped the charges of resisting arrest part b assaulting an officer. So there's your system that looks out for cops :laugh:

Yes we should all evolve to only the fittest survive. We're not far from those dark futuristic movies. Unfortunately it will not be the result of a nuclear attack but the systematic erosion of our morals that made this country so great, so many years ago.
actually I would say police brutality is far less then it was in the 60's, 70's or 80's but like u said everyone has a video camera in their phone these days so it would appear as tho its more prevelant but thats just not the case.

it use to be that the police could act like a father figure to kids that have no father and give them a good ole fashion woopen if needed vs. taking them to jail. those days are long over with everyone seeing $$$$$$$ signs these days at the drop of a hand by the police....:whistle: and im not referring to beat downs. no one deserves a beat down but its perfectly legal for a parent to to discipline his kids by giving them a good smack when they need it. the police at one time use to be able to do the same.

Actually case law has made it this way. I'm thinking a burglar ran from a TN cop in the early '70's and was shot to death. That brought about the fleeing felon laws. Criminals are basically becoming protected and law enforcement has been legally cuffed. We never seem to reach balance in this country.
Should have stayed out of this thread, but now it's time to shower and go get me some 12 hours of beat downs :poke:
Stay away from trouble, If for any reason you come in contact with the police follow Chris Rock's advise, remember "if the police have to come and get you, they are bringin and azz kickin with them" :laugh:
I'm trained that having an individual in cuffs is having an individual in control. I disagree with that given numerous groin kicks and headbutts, however I agree with your point and absolutely disagree with the beatings. These cut videos rarely tell the story. We are trained to control ourselves and criminals are trained to distract and enrage. We have to fight nature. It's called an adrenaline rush and we have to do an adrenaline dump. I have seen to many videos of car cams capturing an officer laying stop sticks getting murdered or mutilated. It's no excuse but a possible answer for some of the actions taken at the end of a high speed chase.

And I can tell you that every officer that has contact with you appreciates it.
If someone in cuffs headbutts or kicks you, you are well within your rights to subdue the individual, keep yourself safe.
You're right about the cut videos, but in some of them I don't care what happened before the camera came on, there is no excuse for what took place. That being said I understand about the adrenaline dump, it explains it but doesn't excuse it. Some officers believe that "contempt of cop" is a crime, it's not. Respect is earned and simply because you have a badge and a gun doesn't mean anyone has to respect you. Some officers think that if they say do something, everyone automatically should. Not true. A scenario which happened to me a couple weeks ago: Marked state police unit parked in a driveway on the southbound side of the road. I'm traveling north. 2 lane street, middle of town, about 2 PM on a Saturday. I'm not speeding, swerving, on the phone etc, and I'm wearing my seatbelt. I'm driving a GMC Yukon. Before I'm even past him, I see his car begin to nose out. He follows me for a couple of blocks and flips the lights on. I pull over into a businesses driveway, put the truck in park and wait. He comes to the drivers side and I roll the window down. He says he pulled me over for an expired sticker. Unless he has x-ray vision, that's impossible. Then he asks where I'm going. I'm 41 years old and this man is not my father. What business is it of his where I'm going? I told him that was irrelevant and he didn't like that answer. He asks for my license and insurance which I furnish and walks back to his car. 15 minutes later he comes back with my paperwork, has me sign what he wrote me for the expired tag and I left. He was pissed cuz I didn't answer his question. We both knew he lied about why he pulled me over. I don't know what his real reason was, but it certainly wasn't something on the rear of my truck. He was gonna pull me regardless. He kept me there way longer than needed because I didn't answer his question. Had he said a crime had been committed in that area and I fit the description I would have had no issue whatsoever saying where I had been, but I am not required to satisfy his curiosity. It's none of his damn business where I'm going.
There are many good cops in my area, some of them are good friends of mine. He just ain't one of either group.

I believe from my interaction with you on here that you are a good guy, and I would bet that crosses over to your career also. Thank you for what you do, I'm sure your area is better for your being there.
Bunch of long posts here! Whew!

Do3 do me a favor tonight and go beat up some unsuspecting undeserving person.
Make sure and video tape it for us as well. :laugh:
I haven’t watched the videos yet (can't see due to firewalls), but read most of the posts. Pretty sad reading all these comments claiming a majority of our Police Officers are anything other than Law Abiding, Courageous, and Serving to Protect. Easy for some of us to sit back and judge when you haven’t been in that life or death situation, to go along with that adrenaline rush. That 80 year old lady standing in the middle of the hells angels could be the one holding the gun that carries the bullet with your name on it. For those of you that didn’t freeze or run, probably would not stop pulling the trigger until the magazine was empty (and most likely woulndt remember the events as they occurred). There are bad eggs in every organization (I am sure we have a couple here at the org), but some of you are way off base.
It's just life dude. We are all taught, or most of us, things as kids that don't ring true as we get older. Saying anything about cops except they are brave, dedicated, honest men and women fighting the good fight while we sleep soundly at night, is politically incorrect. In todays America you are a separatist, racist, or terrorist for expressing unpolitically correct views, wether true or not. Some of us have expieranced or witnessed police behaving badly more often than not in our lives. I have my own opinion on the majority of police, and that's ok. I don't have to follow the sheep. Dadofthree, from his post, seems like a good guy and he may be a great cop, but that dosen't mean people cant develop their own opinions from their life expierences.