Yeah, she was an animal. Yeah, she was speeding but who doesn't on the interstate or else get run over. And isn't that what they tell women to do? If they don't feel safe, proceed to a populated/safer place to pull over instead of the side of a empty highway, especially if being pulled by a unmarked police car? At least he got fired.
And she was a drunk animal that deserved to have her teeth knocked out by being slammed against a concrete wall while handcuffed.
And this god awful too happy college animal. Well he was in college and was probably drinking so he was evidentally too happy and deserved what he got.
I'm not trying to defend criminals at all, but sorry. I treat my animals a helluva lot better than some cops treat the public and most of the time get away with it because they have a badge and I guess that's suppose to make it ok. ??? I think if they were to charge these officers that clearly get caught on tape as some of these "animals", and prosecute them the same as they do the people getting arrested and not just get swept under the rug as most of these cases do then things might change a little.
So do you think any of these 3 situations were wrong? Or were the officers completely within their rights to do what they did?