Arrested for Licence Plate Obstruction?

I'm surprised that anyone gives anyone other than professionals putting on a show, gives permission to someone to stunt in their parking lot. I would be thinking of civil issues if something went wrong. If I saw someone stunting in a parking lot I would have to have a discussion with them at a bare minimum. Obviously every situation has it's own set of circumstances. Also law enforcement is obligated to approach once a complaint has been made.

Harassment under the law is when someone is stopped without reasonable suspicion or probable cause. Being stopped for violating the law is not harassment. My wife rode with me a few nights and could not believe how people treated me and spoke to me. She was always turning up the volume on my system when I left the car :laugh:

Law Enforcement Officers always have to be professional. If we don't maintain that professionalism we are just as bad as the criminals in my mind. Not to mention we become distracted from doing our job. A well known and used tactic by criminals, not to mention you will almost always loose the case. Either your Chief will drop the case, or a jury will certainly be sympathetic to the defendant in criminal court or the plaintiff in a civil action.

There's absolutely no defense for what the bikers were doing and no defense for the officer closing the door on the subject. It's called stuffing, but when a subject will not comply with lawful direction; he not the officer picks the level of force used to bring compliance. It is an extremely hard job. If you haven't worked it you just won't get how hard it is at times to keep yourself under complete control at all times, in all situations, regardless of what's going on in your life. Very hard job guys.
I must not be watching the same video as you Bill. The rider's entire demeanor, tone and attitude was agressive and disrespectful, which of course did not bring the best out of the police officer.

Evidentally not ??? I didn't see no kiss azz, but all he did was ask legitimate questions in a regular tone of voice.
When pulled over, innocent or not a little respect goes a long way.

That on dash video certainly shows quite a bit more than the helmet GoPro did...

They could have spike stripped the entire pack, but that would likely have gotten someone REALLY hurt. Stopping one rider for video was probably more humane.

I would not agree with throwing out spike strips for anyone in this situation except for the swerving lane hogger...he was just escalating the situation. I am surprised the officers did not focus more on him even though it would be practically impossible to pull him over without bumping him to the ground.

Back to the you remember riding with large groups (maybe in the early years) and you were hesitant about going more than 3-5 mph over the speed limit? You probably did nothing at all wrong the entire trip.

How many of these insecure or "lawful" riders do you think were riding with the group and the only thing they did wrong was not cutting off from the group when the fun started. The officer puts out the spike strip and nails a double up rider who's out on his 3rd date and skins up the girlfriend. Not a fun theory to play out.

If I was in a patrol car behind the fella swerving to slow me down I probably would have been ready to let off a little steam too...just have to watch out carefully where or who it is let out at.

The officer in the GoPro just did not control where he let his out, and appeared to be at the incorrect person (per the video we were able to see).
I'm surprised that anyone gives anyone other than professionals putting on a show, gives permission to someone to stunt in their parking lot. I would be thinking of civil issues if something went wrong. If I saw someone stunting in a parking lot I would have to have a discussion with them at a bare minimum. Obviously every situation has it's own set of circumstances. Also law enforcement is obligated to approach once a complaint has been made.

Stunters without a place to practice means... there will be no stunt shows. This is where EVERY "professional" started. Many of them on the streets, I bet there were a few on that camera footage somewhere.

My stunt bike is tagged and insured, and if one of us threatened a civil suit against the property owner for us hurting ourselves on their property, the pack would have our heads for ruining it for everyone. We assume our own risk.

Sometimes the cops are cool about it, usually not. The best way to get banned from a parking lot is to have the cops calling the owner over and over and over and over confirming permission to be there and they decide it's not worth the hassle.

It's really too bad the laws have escalated so far as to cause such discontent that some of these kids feel the need to act out. It's unfortunate that the few have been such a PITA to have such laws created in the first place. What a mess.

If only we could rewind and try the entire thing over again.
If only we could rewind and try the entire thing over again.

I hate to say it, but its that WHOLE generation's problem. It goes into every aspect of life.

Rewind far enough to beat the crap outta their parents....
u act like a smart ass and ull get treated like one. so in ur mind the cop should be pleading with him to stop being a smart ass? lmao! what planet do you live on?

the little punk asked why he was being pulled over and the cop states "hes the deal" and before he could even explain it to him the little wiseass says "there is no deal".... so now the cop should say "oh please sir listen to what I have to say?" lol.... yea you keep dreaming thats ever gonna happen if ur lifetime or anyone elses.....:whistle:

I was peaking in general terms. I have been pulled over and been nothing but nice and submissive to the officer. They are a lot of times the smartass ones. I had a cop pull me over once and say "Did you graduate elementary school? Yes I replied. So then you clearly can understand what 30 means on a sign when you see it. Yes I respond. Do you need any help in understanding what this means? No I said. Well I clocked you doing 52 in a 30, but I am going to do you a favor and only write you up for 45 in a 30. That is fine officer. I signed the ticket and went to court.

Officer did his canned rehearsed speech about how he found me to be exceeding the speed limit and presents the current calibration records to his radar gun just as they are trained to do. Judge ask me if I dispute any of this. Yes your honor I am going to dispute that he was not using methods he was trained and expected to use in the field. Judge paused and raised his eyebrows a bit and said "alright Mr Gibbs I'm going to see where this one goes".

My turn to defend myself. Officer, do you consider yourself literate? Yes was his response. Smug look on his face. Have you passed High school math I ask? Yes he said. Again the look. Judge already is starting to get irritated with me. Your honor I will present as evidence the training manual on proper speeding violation stops. The manual in which he read and claims to understand and has been signed off on as being properly trained. He has admitted to being literate and I will be using some basic high school math in my defense so I want to make sure he can't say he doesn't understand my defense questioning. Judge allowed it.

Hand out copies of the training manual to judge and officer.

Officer if you turn to page 12 and read us the first step in determining a speeding vehicle it says what? Officer will obtain a visual confirmation of speed of vehicle before employing use of any other measurement devices.

Officer did you do this? Ummmm yes of course I did. Alright officer, tell us how you visually established my speed. I observed you in traffic and estimated your speed to be higher based on using a fixed point of reference. (His training manual response). Excellent officer. And what was that fixed point? It was the lamppost on the corner of 3rd Ave as you passed it heading north. That is fine officer. And for how long did you visually track me to determine my speed. About 3 seconds? About 3 seconds officer? Was that about 3-5 seconds or 2-3 seconds. I don't know exactly how long but I'd day 3-5 seconds. Fine officer. No lets talk about your radar gun. You were using a handheld Stalker unit correct? Yes (He began to straighten up his spine right on the spot). Great so how long do you estimate it took you to raise the unit to begin measuring me? Oh I don't know about 3 seconds. Judge interrupts. You are badgering the officer. Your honor if you refer to the training manual it states the proper engagement of a hand held device and the officers responsibilities. (Cop is now reading that section like mad to anticipate my questions. It won't matter anyway). Your honor I want to establish if he in fact did use the trained methods as he is sworn to do. OK I'll allow it but this better get somewhere quickly. Just about 3 more should do it your honor.

So officer what is the prescribed time to correctly engage that unit on your target and ensure a proper reading making sure there are no panning errors. (How the hell does he know what a panning error is?). 4 seconds. OK officer so we have 4 seconds plus and estimated 3 seconds it took you to raise the gun and lock in on me, plus your estimate of 3 seconds give or take a second to visually verify my speed before that. Correct? Yes. OK officer do you wish to re-think any of your answers you have given thus far. No. OK fine so we are all certain that you are testifying 10 seconds at least correct? Yes. Now then officer where did you pull me over? I pulled you over just after Knights Ave on the eastbound side heading north. That is correct officer I have no dispute there and am in total agreement. Was I slow to pull over or did it take awhile for me to. No you pulled right over. Thank you officer. And did you find me cooperative and prepared with all my documents? Yes. Was I polite and prompt? Yes. Thank you officer.

Officer do you know the distance between the lamppost on 3rd Ave and Knights Ave. No I don't. I don't really care. Since you are trained to visually judge distance you can estimate it with a pretty high degree of accuracy right?right? Yes. OK give us your estimate. 250 feet was his resonse. Your honor I'd like to present into evidence the traffic engineering documents held at the city that shows this stretch of Highway 1 in which I was traveling north on. The judge is beginning to take some interest now. So we have no dispute, does everyone know how to read the key that shows how much distance per inch? Officer if you need any help I can show you. (My turn to demean him some now). I have this calculator and ruler you can use if you'd like. I held them out. Judge sort of smiled and the rest of the people waiting in court started laughing. Officer refused them.

OK then I have measured this and submit that the distance between the lamppost and the point I was pulled over was 312 feet. Everyone wanna check that info. Judge actually did ask for a ruler. He took a minute and agreed. He said I don't know about the 2 feet but I will agree you've done your homework enough to say its probably right on. I paced it off with a roller ruler to make double sure your honor.

OK now to save time and all sorts of calculators being used, I'd like to submit a spreadsheet that uses simple high school math to show an object traveling at various speeds and what distance they would travel. It will save us all a lot of work and calculating as we go. It shows my formulas in easy to understand high school terms. The formula is (D)istance =(S)peed divided by (T)ime. Judge allows it and I gave the baliff the spreadsheets to hand out.

Now officer you originally wrote on my ticket that I was traveling at 52 MPH correct. Yes. And you did me a favor by writing it up at 45 to "help me out" right? Yes. OK officer using the concept of division which you claimed to have passed in high school do you feel you need any help in understanding this spreadsheet? If you'd like to check my work using a calculator to make sure there is no errors (as I again held out the calculator). Do you feel you'd need any help in using a calculator (My turn to treat him like he treated me on the side of the road)? Of course he says no. By now he isn't going to fall for anything I offer. In fact I made the first line easy. 60 MPH = 88 feet per second. Multiply 88 times 60 seconds and we get 5280 feet or one mile. Follow along officer? He is showing signs of being visually pissed about now.

Now officer lets look at 52 MPH. Go ahead find it there on the spreadsheet. The little square that has a 5 and 2. At 52 MPH I'm traveling at 76 feet per second, correct? Yes And as you testified you took 10 seconds to verify my speed as trained correct. Yes (He can't back out now). So at 52 mph how many feet have I traveled in 10 seconds. Ummm it says 763. His face is getting red now. Now officer since you did me a favor let me ask you to do me one. Lets look at 45 and see how far I went in 10- seconds. The answer 660 Feet.

Now officer if Knights Ave. was 312 feet from the time you saw me speed to the time you pulled me over, and none of us are disputing that as fact, how is it that I am doing 45 let alone 50. No answer. Now officer look in the time column there and see what speed it says I was doing if I traveled 312 feet. It says 20 at 300 feet he replies. So officer is it safe to assume that you being literate and having passed high school that 312 feet would be closer to say 22-25 than it would be 45-52. No answer. Do you need my calculator officer? More laughter from the people waiting their turn. He stood there with the veins on his forehead now showing and throbbing. Your honor do you have any questions for me? Mr. Gibbs are you saying you were doing 25 MPH and disputing the officers accusation. Your honor I believe I was doing 30 to 32, but it appears by the officers testimony that I was actually doing more like 25 so I guess I will say I am disputing any speed he claims I was doing as we have already used the facts as he presented them to disprove I was doing anything close to 45. The judge pondered a bit. Your honor do you have any more questions for me? Mr Gibbs do you realize that you have to ask for a case to be dismissed? No your honor I did not. The judge said Mr. Gibbs do you have any questions for me? At this time I would request a dismissal. Request for dismissal approved. Mr. Gibbs I'd like to see you after the officer leaves. Officer do you ave any more cases to be heard today? No your honor. In that case you better go back and think about this one because if I see you before me again on a speeding violation I am going to remember this case for a long time.

The judge waited for him to leave and said in open court. Mr. Gibbs I wish more people like you made judges like me aware of what is going on out there. He turned to the other officers waiting on their cases and said. "He is one of the few that isn't gonna let you guys pull this stuff out there".

To be honest I probably was doing 40ish in that 30. I would have taken my medicine and paid the fine, until the cop turned into a *ick with me.

That is what planet I come from. Treat the citizens with respect and get it back. Treat them like they are serving you and they will eventually get you back. If not peacefully, then eventually by violence.

I don't think the kid should have been thrown around and arrested. Ticketed yes. IF in fact his plate was obstructed. Like it was suggested. An attorney is going to chop this cop up and feed him to the seagulls.
I was peaking in general terms. I have been pulled over and been nothing but nice and submissive to the officer. They are a lot of times the smartass ones. I had a cop pull me over once and say "Did you graduate elementary school? Yes I replied. So then you clearly can understand what 30 means on a sign when you see it. Yes I respond. Do you need any help in understanding what this means? No I said. Well I clocked you doing 52 in a 30, but I am going to do you a favor and only write you up for 45 in a 30. That is fine officer. I signed the ticket and went to court.

Officer did his canned rehearsed speech about how he found me to be exceeding the speed limit and presents the current calibration records to his radar gun just as they are trained to do. Judge ask me if I dispute any of this. Yes your honor I am going to dispute that he was not using methods he was trained and expected to use in the field. Judge paused and raised his eyebrows a bit and said "alright Mr Gibbs I'm going to see where this one goes".

My turn to defend myself. Officer, do you consider yourself literate? Yes was his response. Smug look on his face. Have you passed High school math I ask? Yes he said. Again the look. Judge already is starting to get irritated with me. Your honor I will present as evidence the training manual on proper speeding violation stops. The manual in which he read and claims to understand and has been signed off on as being properly trained. He has admitted to being literate and I will be using some basic high school math in my defense so I want to make sure he can't say he doesn't understand my defense questioning. Judge allowed it.

Hand out copies of the training manual to judge and officer.

Officer if you turn to page 12 and read us the first step in determining a speeding vehicle it says what? Officer will obtain a visual confirmation of speed of vehicle before employing use of any other measurement devices.

Officer did you do this? Ummmm yes of course I did. Alright officer, tell us how you visually established my speed. I observed you in traffic and estimated your speed to be higher based on using a fixed point of reference. (His training manual response). Excellent officer. And what was that fixed point? It was the lamppost on the corner of 3rd Ave as you passed it heading north. That is fine officer. And for how long did you visually track me to determine my speed. About 3 seconds? About 3 seconds officer? Was that about 3-5 seconds or 2-3 seconds. I don't know exactly how long but I'd day 3-5 seconds. Fine officer. No lets talk about your radar gun. You were using a handheld Stalker unit correct? Yes (He began to straighten up his spine right on the spot). Great so how long do you estimate it took you to raise the unit to begin measuring me? Oh I don't know about 3 seconds. Judge interrupts. You are badgering the officer. Your honor if you refer to the training manual it states the proper engagement of a hand held device and the officers responsibilities. (Cop is now reading that section like mad to anticipate my questions. It won't matter anyway). Your honor I want to establish if he in fact did use the trained methods as he is sworn to do. OK I'll allow it but this better get somewhere quickly. Just about 3 more should do it your honor.

So officer what is the prescribed time to correctly engage that unit on your target and ensure a proper reading making sure there are no panning errors. (How the hell does he know what a panning error is?). 4 seconds. OK officer so we have 4 seconds plus and estimated 3 seconds it took you to raise the gun and lock in on me, plus your estimate of 3 seconds give or take a second to visually verify my speed before that. Correct? Yes. OK officer do you wish to re-think any of your answers you have given thus far. No. OK fine so we are all certain that you are testifying 10 seconds at least correct? Yes. Now then officer where did you pull me over? I pulled you over just after Knights Ave on the eastbound side heading north. That is correct officer I have no dispute there and am in total agreement. Was I slow to pull over or did it take awhile for me to. No you pulled right over. Thank you officer. And did you find me cooperative and prepared with all my documents? Yes. Was I polite and prompt? Yes. Thank you officer.

Officer do you know the distance between the lamppost on 3rd Ave and Knights Ave. No I don't. I don't really care. Since you are trained to visually judge distance you can estimate it with a pretty high degree of accuracy right?right? Yes. OK give us your estimate. 250 feet was his resonse. Your honor I'd like to present into evidence the traffic engineering documents held at the city that shows this stretch of Highway 1 in which I was traveling north on. The judge is beginning to take some interest now. So we have no dispute, does everyone know how to read the key that shows how much distance per inch? Officer if you need any help I can show you. (My turn to demean him some now). I have this calculator and ruler you can use if you'd like. I held them out. Judge sort of smiled and the rest of the people waiting in court started laughing. Officer refused them.

OK then I have measured this and submit that the distance between the lamppost and the point I was pulled over was 312 feet. Everyone wanna check that info. Judge actually did ask for a ruler. He took a minute and agreed. He said I don't know about the 2 feet but I will agree you've done your homework enough to say its probably right on. I paced it off with a roller ruler to make double sure your honor.

OK now to save time and all sorts of calculators being used, I'd like to submit a spreadsheet that uses simple high school math to show an object traveling at various speeds and what distance they would travel. It will save us all a lot of work and calculating as we go. It shows my formulas in easy to understand high school terms. The formula is (D)istance =(S)peed divided by (T)ime. Judge allows it and I gave the baliff the spreadsheets to hand out.

Now officer you originally wrote on my ticket that I was traveling at 52 MPH correct. Yes. And you did me a favor by writing it up at 45 to "help me out" right? Yes. OK officer using the concept of division which you claimed to have passed in high school do you feel you need any help in understanding this spreadsheet? If you'd like to check my work using a calculator to make sure there is no errors (as I again held out the calculator). Do you feel you'd need any help in using a calculator (My turn to treat him like he treated me on the side of the road)? Of course he says no. By now he isn't going to fall for anything I offer. In fact I made the first line easy. 60 MPH = 88 feet per second. Multiply 88 times 60 seconds and we get 5280 feet or one mile. Follow along officer? He is showing signs of being visually pissed about now.

Now officer lets look at 52 MPH. Go ahead find it there on the spreadsheet. The little square that has a 5 and 2. At 52 MPH I'm traveling at 76 feet per second, correct? Yes And as you testified you took 10 seconds to verify my speed as trained correct. Yes (He can't back out now). So at 52 mph how many feet have I traveled in 10 seconds. Ummm it says 763. His face is getting red now. Now officer since you did me a favor let me ask you to do me one. Lets look at 45 and see how far I went in 10- seconds. The answer 660 Feet.

Now officer if Knights Ave. was 312 feet from the time you saw me speed to the time you pulled me over, and none of us are disputing that as fact, how is it that I am doing 45 let alone 50. No answer. Now officer look in the time column there and see what speed it says I was doing if I traveled 312 feet. It says 20 at 300 feet he replies. So officer is it safe to assume that you being literate and having passed high school that 312 feet would be closer to say 22-25 than it would be 45-52. No answer. Do you need my calculator officer? More laughter from the people waiting their turn. He stood there with the veins on his forehead now showing and throbbing. Your honor do you have any questions for me? Mr. Gibbs are you saying you were doing 25 MPH and disputing the officers accusation. Your honor I believe I was doing 30 to 32, but it appears by the officers testimony that I was actually doing more like 25 so I guess I will say I am disputing any speed he claims I was doing as we have already used the facts as he presented them to disprove I was doing anything close to 45. The judge pondered a bit. Your honor do you have any more questions for me? Mr Gibbs do you realize that you have to ask for a case to be dismissed? No your honor I did not. The judge said Mr. Gibbs do you have any questions for me? At this time I would request a dismissal. Request for dismissal approved. Mr. Gibbs I'd like to see you after the officer leaves. Officer do you ave any more cases to be heard today? No your honor. In that case you better go back and think about this one because if I see you before me again on a speeding violation I am going to remember this case for a long time.

The judge waited for him to leave and said in open court. Mr. Gibbs I wish more people like you made judges like me aware of what is going on out there. He turned to the other officers waiting on their cases and said. "He is one of the few that isn't gonna let you guys pull this stuff out there".

To be honest I probably was doing 40ish in that 30. I would have taken my medicine and paid the fine, until the cop turned into a *ick with me.

That is what planet I come from. Treat the citizens with respect and get it back. Treat them like they are serving you and they will eventually get you back. If not peacefully, then eventually by violence.

I don't think the kid should have been thrown around and arrested. Ticketed yes. IF in fact his plate was obstructed. Like it was suggested. An attorney is going to chop this cop up and feed him to the seagulls.

OUTSTANDING! LOVED IT! Wish it was recorded :thumbsup:

Where you got him is that he didn't take the prescribed 3-5 seconds to visually gauge your speed; he just had the gun on and looked up when it registered...
OUTSTANDING! LOVED IT! Wish it was recorded :thumbsup:

Where you got him is that he didn't take the prescribed 3-5 seconds to visually gauge your speed; he just had the gun on and looked up when it registered...

EXACTLY CORRECT. They go to training on how to present in court. It's a canned and well rehearsed speech, and everyone has their butt's covered. The reality is they sit there wait for the gun to go off and then look up and go it must be this guy or that guy. They run the gun wide open, which sounds on a target up to a mile away and then start Deputy Dogging someone into a ticket. They rarely and I mean rarely can beat the Time/Distance math. That math is the exact logic used in the Radar Guns electronics. It is mathematically indisputable. An older more seasoned cop will actually correctly visually verify a target vehicle then raise the gun and properly validate a speeding vehicle. And those are the ones that are usually the most respectful and lenient to the citizens that are being respectful.
Next time I get one of them, I want you to come and be my lawyer!!
Next time I get one of them, I want you to come and be my lawyer!!

I'm not a lawyer and could not represent you in any capacity. But a former member her Over Easy got busted for 167 and used this in his defense. It was reduced down to a misdemeanor charge. He said he got nervous and couldn't rattle it off like he needed to. But he made out way better than he would have.
This is why I always ride with cops in my group rides. Both sides could have done things different. All I know is that rider is gonna get paid if he gets the right lawyer.

Did I just see what I saw? The officer exercised extreme restraint in not running that guy over!
Good grief! 'my foot slipped off the brake..(thunk thunk)..' easy.

Then girl passes stuff to what looks like same guy casually, and he rides off, easily?
Then seconds later while cop does whatever, another bike pulls up and she hops on and rides off, easily?
Strange? Cop didn't seem to care one iota?
His license plate wasn't obstructed. It was shown in the video. The cop wanted his video to help catch those other guys. The cop was in the wrong from the get go and once he gathered the biker wasn't some complete dumbass. The cops attitude changed to what you saw. Even if his license plate was obstructed its a ticket or warning. The main cop and the back up officer "for being an accomplice of stupidity on the main officers actions" should both be punished for this. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!
TallTom........that is gold right there, Im definately going to save that for future use.:thumbsup:

I notice you are from Iowa. It is likely they will be similarly trained but please do your homework and subpoena training manuals etc and do your homework and prepare. The time/distance argument is solid, but essentially I am merely tripping him up by procedure he does not follow, that he is supposed to. At the time I lived in Fla. They have very open policy on allowing information like training manuals, training records, maintenance records etc be available thru the Sunshine Law. I do not know if any other state is as open.

Bottom line. If you speed, be prepared to defend yourself, or don't defend yourself at all. I had blipped past a couple of cars and probably was exceeding the speed limit for a short period of time. I never saw the cop. And I had NO WAY of knowing what his testimony was going to be in court. The fact is is didn't see me first, his gun went off and he saw a bike passing a car and away he went.

I also have another advantage. I used to work on Radar Guns and certify them for accuracy. I could make a garbage can standing still, show a speed on a Radar Detector. There at that time was a lot of weaknesses in Radar technologies. Lots of ways to interfere with them giving proper readings. And I could argue about every one of them back then. This was probably 10 years ago, before I even had a Busa. Things have changed I'm sure. But I doubt they train any differently. It is likely the same order of procedure. Why? Because the Radar gun was never expected to be the primary means of measurement. The law would not allow it. You can't question a Radar Gun in court. And they were and maybe still are pretty easy to bring into question their ability to be accurate. The cop on the other hand is supposed to be reliable and accurate always. And by god they are trained to be that way and trained well. They just don't wanna do it that way out on the streets. Too much work to have to use their heads like they were taught. It's easier to be lazy and Billy Bad*ss to a citizen when the time comes.
I wont comment on all the facts but, Spike strips on bikes are considered deadly force, also the whole running the people over thing? Officers have allot more restraint and plus there are too many gopros, cell videos, cameras, videos and dash cams!!! I have been LE for almost 14 years and have been riding a bike most of those years, and I was ashamed of the way that cop acted!!! That was A P.O.P (Pissed Of Police) arrest right there plain and simple!!!! But yes it is Obama's Fault either way!! hahahahaha I am shocked this thread isn't closed yet!!
You need to brush up on the law. A fleeing felon must pose a threat to society for law enforcement to use deadly force. Even your friends in Odessa :laugh:

In Texas if your a know FELON and your fleeing, The police can use deadly force to stop you...

Again I don't know Texas law. Here the tag must be visible from 50 feet and there's too many other requirements to list here. Maybe he did it off the registration he was handed :dunno:

In Texas if your a know FELON and your fleeing, The police can use deadly force to stop you...
I know that cops have a hard job, them and teachers. Folks are brought up hearing their parents say crap like "stupid cop giving me a ticket, and jerk have nothing better to do." ect ect. Kids aren't brought up thinking well of police. I respect the work that they do. But i don't respect most of them that do it. I have had several encounters with the police and have some good experiences, but overall i've been treated like total dog crap by them. I AM respectful and it is hardly ever returned.. I always say well its cause other people treat them badly and blah blah. But if i have a a bad day i do NOT get or have the right to treat my customers badly, i suck it up and deal. Police are supposed to do the same and treat folks fair and it seems to me its not happening. Maybe you have to automatically assume the guy you are pulling over is a total bag just to be safe but the way you interact says more about you as a person and more to the community about your position.

BTW the two videos are not the same event and I read that they mysteriously lost the dash cam from the officer who was in the vid.

also i'm fairly sure its Clintons fault.