Poor  zx-14 owners!!!

dunno bout everyone else here, but I been haunting my local Kaw dealer for bout a month now-finally got a 14 in last friday, and I went to see it monday,well....

looks a LOT smaller in person, doesn't seem overly wide or long-front fairing is narrower from the look of things, but those headlights!!! yeeeccckkk!

tank is almost too small for me, and clip-ons seem angled outwards more than the Busas. Felt like my hands were spread further apart-not very comfortable...and that windscreen (if i can call it that-did they steal it from the ZX-10? smaller than the Busas for sure, and very narrow) I couldn't tuck in behind that unless I chopped my feet off.
the seat leaves a lot to be desired too-unless you're longing for that banana thing you used to have on your sister's bike when you were young, or you actually like Blackbird seats...They try to make it look like a single-seater by puttn a piece of plastic over the rear section-not foolin anybody here.

so, I ask the Kaw dealer what it takes to get a ride on one-his response "oh, there wont be any test rides, we're only getn one of each color, and these things will sell themselves" uh, u actually expect folks to buy a $12k bike without even RIDING it first?! "well, its the Busa-beater, blah blah blah, wonk-wonk-wonk" at that point I went off "Oh is it, really? I OWN my busa-if you got ANYBODY in the back who can ride, we'll take your 14 up to Great Lakes Dragway right now, and if they can run a faster quarter than my Busa, you can HAVE IT. If you lose, I'm trailerin that ZX-14 home with me. You wana try me?"
all i got was "Well, we can't race the dealership's bike." I said "Fine, when you get sumone in here dumb enuf to buy this thing WITHOUT riding it, give'em my number, and I'll race them, then come back here and sell you back your slow-ass bike back so I can buy more #### for my Busa!"
he didn't have much to say after that...why are Kaw salesman all retarded? have yet to find a nice, intelligent Kawi salesperson-do they exist? or are they all sniffn the same glue bottle?
dunno bout everyone else here, but I been haunting my local Kaw dealer for bout a month now-finally got a 14 in last friday, and I went to see it monday,well....

looks a LOT smaller in person, doesn't seem overly wide or long-front fairing is narrower from the look of things, but those headlights!!! yeeeccckkk!

tank is almost too small for me, and clip-ons seem angled outwards more than the Busas. Felt like my hands were spread further apart-not very comfortable...and that windscreen (if i can call it that-did they steal it from the ZX-10? smaller than the Busas for sure, and very narrow) I couldn't tuck in behind that unless I chopped my feet off.
the seat leaves a lot to be desired too-unless you're longing for that banana thing you used to have on your sister's bike when you were young, or you actually like Blackbird seats...They try to make it look like a single-seater by puttn a piece of plastic over the rear section-not foolin anybody here.

so, I ask the Kaw dealer what it takes to get a ride on one-his response "oh, there wont be any test rides, we're only getn one of each color, and these things will sell themselves" uh, u actually expect folks to buy a $12k bike without even RIDING it first?! "well, its the Busa-beater, blah blah blah, wonk-wonk-wonk" at that point I went off "Oh is it, really? I OWN my busa-if you got ANYBODY in the back who can ride, we'll take your 14 up to Great Lakes Dragway right now, and if they can run a faster quarter than my Busa, you can HAVE IT. If you lose, I'm trailerin that ZX-14 home with me. You wana try me?"
all i got was "Well, we can't race the dealership's bike." I said "Fine, when you get sumone in here dumb enuf to buy this thing WITHOUT riding it, give'em my number, and I'll race them, then come back here and sell you back your slow-ass bike back so I can buy more #### for my Busa!"
he didn't have much to say after that...why are Kaw salesman all retarded? have yet to find a nice, intelligent Kawi salesperson-do they exist? or are they all sniffn the same glue bottle?
I tested your post about the plugs being hard to get to on the zx14 ..Well i got all four plugs out with no problem and that was with the crappy factory tools..Maybe i'm just a better wrench than you...

yeah...that MUST be "it"....like i said...I was just looking at the pix and it appeared quite tight....glad ya found out your crappy tools worked.

oh and...

"I still feel the zx14 is a great bike and it does everything just a bit better that my 99 or 05 busa ..Not a great deal better but still better.."

did you even bother to "LOOK" at the dyno charts?..pretty "Lackluster" for a "Busa Killer" if ya ask me.

btw...I hope ya got those plugs torqued good...with those "crappy tools"

outside of that?...I wish you the very best of luck with your new zx14 and hope to meet you on a group ride some weekend...as any man with2 busa nd a 14 is fine riding company as far as I'm concerned and..L8R, Bill.
Bill that would be great if we could get together for a group ride ...Let me know when something comes up...I'll even let you take the zx14 for a ride and you can post what you think about it..I'll even bring some hot dogs and hamburgers seeing i'm bringing my George Forman grills with me ...lol


I tested your post about the plugs being hard to get to on the zx14 ..Well i got all four plugs out with no problem and that was with the crappy factory tools..Maybe i'm just a better wrench than you...

yeah...that MUST be "it"....like i said...I was just looking at the pix and it appeared quite tight....glad ya found out your crappy tools worked.

oh and...

"I still feel the zx14 is a great bike and it does everything just a bit better that my 99 or 05 busa ..Not a great deal better but still better.."

did you even bother to "LOOK" at the dyno charts?..pretty "Lackluster" for a "Busa Killer" if ya ask me.

btw...I hope ya got those plugs torqued good...with those "crappy tools"

outside of that?...I wish you the very best of luck with your new zx14 and hope to meet you on a group ride some weekend...as any man with2 busa nd a 14 is fine riding company as far as I'm concerned and..L8R, Bill.
Bill that would be great if we could get together for a group ride ...Let me know when something comes up...I'll even let you take the zx14 for a ride and you can post  what you think about it..I'll even bring some hot dogs and hamburgers seeing i'm bringing my George Forman grills with me ...lol  
cool and...I'm thinking of heading out to sebring/avon park this sunday..could switch it to monday (memorial day) if it's more convienient for you...but that would be us meeting each other about 1/2 way...and on some good backroads...point six psuedo track and...some no mans land high speed straights...and like washington?..I can't lie...I'd be extremely careful, honored and excited to take your 14 for a little test spin..very cool of you to offer as well..and if ya can't make it this weekend?...I'm sure we'll hook up for a ride sometime soon...L8R, Bill.



The ZX 14 is no slouch with a 9.6 second /150.0 quarter mile. The new generation Busa with it's six cylinder will probally beat it.
I tested your post about the plugs being hard to get to on the zx14 ..Well i got all four plugs out with no problem and that was with the crappy factory tools..Maybe i'm just a better wrench than you...

yeah...that MUST be "it"....like i said...I was just looking at the pix and it appeared quite tight....glad ya found out your crappy tools worked.

oh and...

"I still feel the zx14 is a great bike and it does everything just a bit better that my 99 or 05 busa ..Not a great deal better but still better.."

did you even bother to "LOOK" at the dyno charts?..pretty "Lackluster" for a "Busa Killer" if ya ask me.

btw...I hope ya got those plugs torqued good...with those "crappy tools"

outside of that?...I wish you the very best of luck with your new zx14 and hope to meet you on a group ride some weekend...as any man with2 busa nd a 14 is fine riding company as far as I'm concerned and..L8R, Bill.
Bill that would be great if we could get together for a group ride ...Let me know when something comes up...I'll even let you take the zx14 for a ride and you can post  what you think about it..I'll even bring some hot dogs and hamburgers seeing i'm bringing my George Forman grills with me ...lol  
cool and...I'm thinking of heading out to sebring/avon park this sunday..could switch it to monday (memorial day) if it's more convienient for you...but that would be us meeting each other about 1/2 way...and on some good backroads...point six psuedo track and...some no mans land high speed straights...and like washington?..I can't lie...I'd be extremely careful, honored and excited to take your 14 for a little test spin..very cool of you to offer as well..and if ya can't make it this weekend?...I'm sure we'll hook up for a ride sometime soon...L8R, Bill.
Hey Bill this weekend is a wash for me .. Going to my dads Grave in Bushnell VA cemetary .. Thanks for the offer and I will try to hook up on a later date ...Lee..


