Post yer pics.

and last one of full view





Yo Kerberos ! I wuz just checking out you web page and just wanted to give you a shoutout on the gadetz you installed on your baby . Nice go'n there Pimp (Kerberos)aka 007.
Excellent work here fellas. Once my baby is put back together I'll do my best to get some pics of her up here. In the next week or so I'll be getting her painted a solid metallic blue. I just hope she comes out the way I hope. I'll also list all the mods at that time. My list keeps growing. I'm going to guess about 30-40 days till completion.
Alright Monster here are acouple more, Thanks for the encouragement, also thanks Hawaiibusa.  I've only had her since March and money is starting to become hard to come by so the mods will slow down until the winter.
Copper paint job/w air brushing
DB windscreen
K&N filter
Kerker carbon slip-on's
Gel seat
Carbon Decals
Rear hugger
DIY Fender
Clear front and rear signals
Mesh Inserts
Tank Protector
Ivan TRE
And a empty wallet
So, POPO, I guess we have found the crooked COP on the Board huh?  Mafia financing that sweet ride?  Or are you the Lt, or Capt?    

Just playing, but you obviously have a Busa have found a good place here to help work it out.  Bike?...what can I say...freakin awesome...looks damn good...

Can I ask you a quick LEO question?  If you happened to see a couple Busa's on a perfectly flat, isolated, no intersections, 7 mile strip of interstate, and you clocked them at about 185MPH what would the response be? Assuming that there was no other traffic, and they were geared up properly...Just curious...  

We have some bridges here in the Tampa area that are really well suited to this type of behavior.  By and large if something goes tragically wrong, the bike catapults itself into the bay and the rider goes bouncing down along the jersey barriers...
Alright Monster here are acouple more, Thanks for the encouragement, also thanks Hawaiibusa.  I've only had her since March and money is starting to become hard to come by so the mods will slow down until the winter.
Copper paint job/w air brushing
DB windscreen
K&N filter
Kerker carbon slip-on's
Gel seat
Carbon Decals
Rear hugger
DIY Fender
Clear front and rear signals
Mesh Inserts
Tank Protector
Ivan TRE
And a empty wallet
So, POPO, I guess we have found the crooked COP on the Board huh?  Mafia financing that sweet ride?  Or are you the Lt, or Capt?    

Just playing, but you obviously have a Busa have found a good place here to help work it out.  Bike?...what can I say...freakin awesome...looks damn good...

Can I ask you a quick LEO question?  If you happened to see a couple Busa's on a perfectly flat, isolated, no intersections, 7 mile strip of interstate, and you clocked them at about 185MPH what would the response be? Assuming that there was no other traffic, and they were geared up properly...Just curious...  

We have some bridges here in the Tampa area that are really well suited to this type of behavior.  By and large if something goes tragically wrong, the bike catapults itself into the bay and the rider goes bouncing down along the jersey barriers...
Good Lord Rev......yer too much.....that is funny

Really what yer sayin then is:
Officer I was only plannin on killin one else.... I swear.




Thanks one and all for the positive feedback,  no outside funds helping with this problem I have,(spending way to much on this bike). No I'm a underpaid patrolman, you learn to not eat lunch and either learn to do the mods yourself or search for deals.  Ebay helps alot not to mention all of you guys, there's no greater power than knowledge and all of you have tons of it.

Revlis, as for the question to be honest with you someone doing 185mph I'm not going after from a dead standstill, but the radio goes alot faster.  I do give bikers alot of slack if
1. you don''t ride like you don't see me
2. you don't lie to me when I stop you.
Knowing how much insurance runs I can be understanding as long as the rider understands I have to do my job.

I've been stopped before and never told the officer what I do for a living but rather took responsibility for what I know I was doing wrong and advised them that I wouldn't do it any more within their presence.

For all riders no one should ride pass their ability that's for everyone's safety(I'll get off the soapbox now)

Fast is fun
Skin graphs <span style='color:orangered'>NOT FUN</span>
I've had the crome windshield on there for 3 months now and it shows no sign of chipping. It isn't even scrached. I use a cloth with soft micro fibers to wash it and there are no swirl or anything on it. You can clean your teeth in it , it's so shinny.

Sweet ride man! I have the same color and was wondering. Did you polish your cans? If so, How? Thanks!
- Yosh tri oval full system
- TFI box
- K&N filter
- Xenon head lamp bulbs
- DIY tail mod
- DIY polished rims
- Galfer steel brake lines & pads
- DB speed screen
- Radar detector

About $1500 so far, yikes!  
 dont tell my wife!

oops, forgot the Throttlemiester cruise control add another $100

and popov I'm not a big fan of airbrush or carbon fiber but that is awesome!

Front cross over line is too long gotta cut em this week.
BTW :  Just installed these brakes, and they are awesome!
Your lines are done improperly. Its 2 lines from the master cylinder to each caliper. Thats why there is so much slack.  Do correct ASAP, the slack on the line may catch on the front wheel and snap the line. Dont ask how I know this.
Good Luck!
New Recruit

Group: Members
Posts: 34
Joined: Feb. 2002
Location: Posted: June 30 2003,11:07


Sweet ride man! I have the same color and was wondering. Did you polish your cans? If so, How? Thanks!

Yes ! They are stock cans and were a biatch to polish. I 'll try to find the instructions .
Heres a quick shot of the Race EBC rotors. Titanium bolts holding the rotor. Goodridge stainless steel lines will go on this week.
JimboD, that under tail system is SWEEEET!  What kind of cans did you use? How is the sound? Also any instructions on how to make a exhaust set up like yours? Any problems with clearance from the rear wheel to the pipes? How much of the tail end section and the subframe was modified to mount the system?
HawaiiBusa, here is a pic of the goodridge stainless steel lines with the plastic coating.