Post your favorite beer!

:beerchug: Corona is the one, if not Dos Equis:beerchug:


Re: Post your favorite beer!

i am the VP of the homebrewers association of middle mississippi. we are one of the very very very few states left where homebrewing beer is illegal. we have four bills (2 in house and 2 in senate) currently. we are hoping for homebrewing to become legal here this year.

we did well at emerald coast beer festival last year and plan to go back this september.

beer. mmmMMMMmmm. you can't pick a favorite. too many characteristics and too many styles out there, but if i had to pick a favorite, it would unequivocally be homebrewed goodness! i'm proud to see some IPAs and Belgians posted though. around here, if its not bud light, miller light, coors light, or anything you can pick up while you are getting gas, its not beer. its sad, really.
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Re: Post your favorite beer!

Summerbrew from Motor City Brew Works, Detroit
2010 from Mudsharks in Lake Havasu
Magic Hat #9
Corona, Shiner, and yuengling when i can get it. Guiness draft as well, but only when mixed with a shot of Jamesons and some Irish cream.
Re: Post your favorite beer!

Half and Half, (Guinness on Guinness), the only beer I drink.:beerchug:

Why do I hit these 2 yr old threads?:banghead:

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Re: Post your favorite beer!

I love that drink Bubba...but isn't that a Black & Tan w/ Yuengling?

Found this under Wiki.... Black and Tan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, a Black and Tan is made with Bass and Guinness Draught .
A Half and Half is made with Harp and Guinness Draught. I like the taste of Half and Half better than a Black and Tan.

I also make another variation, using the Lady (Stella Artois) and Guinness, she's kinda skunky, but very flavor-able.
Re: Post your favorite beer!

no, a black and tan is made with bass and guinness draught .
A half and half is made with harp and guinness draught. I like the taste of half and half better than a black and tan.

I also make another variation, using the lady (stella artois) and guinness, she's kinda skunky, but very flavor-able.

Oh ok...thanks for the correction. Nice! :beerchug:
I have a friend that works at a brewery. He brings me free beer sometimes. It tastes better than anything else I've drank.:cheerleader: