Pre Appraisals needed! I throw myself at the mercy of the ORG for help?

he posted a thread cap...……….. everything I said is a fact...… a lawyer is needed.….. and the actual builder of the motorcycle and any canceled checks or credit cars receipts/statements would SERVE WELL to establish what he spent/what its worth NOW(things depreciate)…

That is your opinion....

When I had my motorcycle accident in 2007 I met with attorney's over the insurance from the guy that pulled out in front of me. If the case went to court they were going to the lions share of any judgement and if it settled out they still took a significant amount.

I did my homework, had my evidence and in the end I maxed out the policy of the truck and the business that it was registered to. I ended up with more in my pocket out of court than if I had used attorneys and gone to court and won a settlement.

Again, your opinion.. Is it impossible for you to answer the questions and not give your own personal account on anything?

That is your opinion....

When I had my motorcycle accident in 2007 I met with attorney's over the insurance from the guy that pulled out in front of me. If the case went to court they were going to the lions share of any judgement and if it settled out they still took a significant amount.

I did my homework, had my evidence and in the end I maxed out the policy of the truck and the business that it was registered to. I ended up with more in my pocket out of court than if I had used attorneys and gone to court and won a settlement.

Again, your opinion.. Is it impossible for you to answer the questions and not give your own personal account on anything?

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the OP has stated that he was awarded between 1 and 2 MILLION as a settlement already...……………. facts
the OP has stated that he was awarded between 1 and 2 MILLION as a settlement already...……………. facts
Don't want to get caught up in this entertainment but OP did say he had a head injury and it appears he is not able to express/relay thoughts 100% of the time. But if for court he could itemize roughly himself. Now the case may be that he did receive a large settlement and simply opened his check book had bikes built & may not have a grasp on the correct name of parts or is saying one thing & means another. Either way welcome OP & good luck with court. You did offer to pay but honestly can't believe it but have to side with ali123 that the original builders should be consulted possibly compensated to provide what you are need as no one here is in a position to do so. No offense but this is my take & there is no way I or any other is going to attach their name to something that they don't understand fully. I mean we come here for advice, knowledge, good natured bantor, help in the form of contacts or parts one is looking for etc. but what you are asking is way beyond that. So stick around if you have not been scared off already maybe get to know some of us and have a good time. ali123 that is the most neutral/restrained grown up conversation I have seen to date just imagine if this had been 6 months ago. I say GOOD DAY!
the OP has stated that he was awarded between 1 and 2 MILLION as a settlement already...……………. facts

in 2009 a lady hit me on my wr250 on the way to work at 10 in the morning November 19th. I shattered my tibia fibula and was knocked unconscious on the bike at a hundred kilometers an hour it blew up my helmet and blew up my leg suffered acquired brain injury. In Canada when it comes to insurance it's the word is catastrophic. Once you're found over 51% catastrophic your tort reward will be between 1000000 and 2 million I was found well over 51% catastrophic that's how I spent a hundred f****** Grande on my bike buddy all right you f*** I'm f****** question me

So it looks like he had the life altering crash which resulted in the insurance settlement in 2009, he bought some expensive bikes with the settlement.

Notice the words in his first post...

But what happened was when the police recovered the truck the front right wheel was ripped off not from component fatigue but right off the frame the goof took the bikes out of the trailer and put them in the bed of the truck. When the truck crashed the bikes weighing 550 and 450 respectively crashed into the bed of the truck and smashed right into the cab of the truck blowing out the rear window

Looks like the bikes, trailer & truck were stolen, subsequently crashed and now recovered and broken.

Could it be possible Ali that you are having an argument with a guy that might have a head injury or that is missing a few words here and there that is looking for some assistance? I dunno but you are proving my point about jumping to conclusions... You are reading the facts you want to read and ignoring the order of events and timeline and even failing to ask legitimate questions.... Instead of saying you got ripped off how about thinking with the mindset that maybe he was taken advantage of.

I dunno, I guess we could just keep bashing people and taking our first instincts and running with that... If you really think that is the right thing to to Ali123 then I should have locked your account and banned you from the site for being a general argumentative, opinionated know it all condescending pain in the butt.

But I didn't did I?

You receive Grace and you give it too.

So it looks like he had the life altering crash which resulted in the insurance settlement in 2009, he bought some expensive bikes with the settlement.

Notice the words in his first post...

Looks like the bikes, trailer & truck were stolen, subsequently crashed and now recovered and broken.

Could it be possible Ali that you are having an argument with a guy that might have a head injury or that is missing a few words here and there that is looking for some assistance? I dunno but you are proving my point about jumping to conclusions... You are reading the facts you want to read and ignoring the order of events and timeline and even failing to ask legitimate questions.... Instead of saying you got ripped off how about thinking with the mindset that maybe he was taken advantage of.

I dunno, I guess we could just keep bashing people and taking our first instincts and running with that... If you really think that is the right thing to to Ali123 then I should have locked your account and banned you from the site for being a general argumentative, opinionated know it all condescending pain in the butt.

But I didn't did I?

You receive Grace and you give it too.

lol... the guy is fine, he has said that he uses "voice text" and that's why his sentences are garbled.... he talks into his telephone and the telephone THEN translates his voice into text.... and I dunno… but the PITA is the guy that goes running to a site moderator after a "misunderstanding"..... who knows... if he hadn't started swearing and cussing.... maybe Richard could have cleared all this up.... HELPED HIM.
Mine is fresh out of pie! And needs a steering stabilizer
Some would say a talented rider doesn't need a stabilizer, just saying (that's why I spent all this money on an Ohlins, Lol)! You can have my OEM one if you want. It has been on the bike for 10 years but no problems I know of. It's a 2009.
I've talked to this individual via PM and he seems ok...everyone needs to learn forum etiquette especially if they haven't been part of a board before and I don't think this person was.

Patience padi-wan, patience....
I agree I don't think he's ever been a part of a forum especially one such as this and I did inform him in a thread to tread easy, however in this instance I think he may have been attacked by the family guard dogs a little too early. I read his post and found nothing wrong with what he was asking it seemed to me as he only wants what Capt described just some help proving what he had invested and lost.I don't at all blame him for getting defensive as im sure most of its would have and with some of the people we've seen lately I don't blame the guard dogs for biting either. Just my .02 worth