If it were a single incident, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. It's not, it's multiple statements which don't add up. But, I could be wrong.
Maybe, maybe not...I've seen much worse posts from others so I take it all with a grain of salt.
If it were a single incident, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. It's not, it's multiple statements which don't add up. But, I could be wrong.
Hey @captain has it occurred to you that you are having a conversation with a guy with a head injury....
Ha ha ha ha ha I kill myself!
I agree I don't think he's ever been a part of a forum especially one such as this and I did inform him in a thread to tread easy, however in this instance I think he may have been attacked by the family guard dogs a little too early. I read his post and found nothing wrong with what he was asking it seemed to me as he only wants what Capt described just some help proving what he had invested and lost.I don't at all blame him for getting defensive as im sure most of its would have and with some of the people we've seen lately I don't blame the guard dogs for biting either. Just my .02 worth
The OP has stated
that he was awarded
between 1 and 2 MILLION
as a settlement already . . .
we do and yes he does ( in more ways than you know). he spent a lot of money, but nowhere near what he remembers. also, paying to over night parts doesnt make them worth more...@KZScott do u guys remember this bike...…. he needs help
we do and yes he does ( in more ways than you know). he spent a lot of money, but nowhere near what he remembers. also, paying to over night parts doesnt make them worth more...
i would like to forget that whole experience, Im sure Rich would agree....
on an unrelated topic...:
stay off the drugs folks, it can mess with your head
So true . . . good advice.on an unrelated topic...:
stay off the drugs folks, it can mess with your head
At least he isn't an outright scammer...… I know 16K buys a hell of a NA motor.... But that being said, just because one spends that much building a beast of a motor does not mean the bike is automatically worth that much. The op just misunderstands how to place a value on something... mods typically dont sell, and if one can recoup 50 percent of original investment(when selling).... one is doing very well... VERY WELL... and shipping costs are null and void(nonrecoverable)..... thanks for clearing all this up.... I apologize to anyone if I sounded condescending, it wasn't my intentwe do and yes he does ( in more ways than you know). he spent a lot of money, but nowhere near what he remembers. also, paying to over night parts doesnt make them worth more...
i would like to forget that whole experience, Im sure Rich would agree....
on an unrelated topic...:
stay off the drugs folks, it can mess with your head
I really thought this was a scam.... I really did... I apologize for calling the OP a scammer. hopefully the OP can put all this info in perspective and find some clarity in how to proceed... and doesn't double down in a dispute with the builder... RCC is a great company to deal with and does top notch work..... its a gorgeous bike, that is plain to see.... I hope the OP reconsiders his position and is reasonable with any evaluations.Thats a good point. (I agree with you ...)
BUT- If you ask for such a complicated topic for advice or help- Maybe It would make more sense first off to sit down and write a text everyone can understand and dont just text to speech something on the fly and dont correct it so it actually makes sense.
Second- Of course people will question you and as an adult you would even expect that - so dont get offended and start insulting memebers with 1000s of posts on a forum you are a newbie. Instead, explain yourself further because it sounds fishy all along and several people worded that. So its not just Kiwi or ali who raised suspiscion by his story.
the OP has stated that he was awarded between 1 and 2 MILLION as a settlement already...……………. facts
yes... but he got over a million bucks that we know of...…. maybe he thinks hes got another million coming from the stolen truck/bikes... that's what this is about. I tried pointing out that a 2005 1/4 ton truck isn't worth 50 grand because of rims and a radio...……He got a settlement from a totally isolated incident and not from his stolen truck.
Mine is fresh out of pie! And needs a steering stabilizer
Yes actually I have a minor issue with my Busa. It doesnt want to start anymore......(I'm trying to be positive here)Sorry Ali, that was just too easy, you know my sense of humor.
OK, anybody have a problem with their Busa that we can talk about?
I was supposed to send you my factory one wasnt i?
If I could get all the money back out of my Procharged Camaro I would be a happy man$$$
The reason I went off was because I've been looking for a year to do nine appraisals for the damage done to my vehicles. And it never came to fruition. For a full year I've been looking and when those fellows started mistreating me I went off I apologize to you and to the website if I offended anyone else but it's very strong to my heart I lost my two best pupusas in my truckSo it looks like he had the life altering crash which resulted in the insurance settlement in 2009, he bought some expensive bikes with the settlement.
Notice the words in his first post...
Looks like the bikes, trailer & truck were stolen, subsequently crashed and now recovered and broken.
Could it be possible Ali that you are having an argument with a guy that might have a head injury or that is missing a few words here and there that is looking for some assistance? I dunno but you are proving my point about jumping to conclusions... You are reading the facts you want to read and ignoring the order of events and timeline and even failing to ask legitimate questions.... Instead of saying you got ripped off how about thinking with the mindset that maybe he was taken advantage of.
I dunno, I guess we could just keep bashing people and taking our first instincts and running with that... If you really think that is the right thing to to Ali123 then I should have locked your account and banned you from the site for being a general argumentative, opinionated know it all condescending pain in the butt.
But I didn't did I?
You receive Grace and you give it too.
can you see that the bikes are inside the back of the bed of the truck where the rear window smashed?Ok . . so there's a pic of the truck and a Busa smashed up . . . hmmmm. . .