Presidential Mock Vote

Presidential Election

  • McCain/Palin

    Votes: 139 66.8%
  • Obama/Biden

    Votes: 49 23.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 7 3.4%
  • Don't Vote

    Votes: 13 6.3%

  • Total voters
I just know that it pisses me off that Obama wants to raise the taxes for the 2.87 million income bracket.
glad someone posted the numbers on tax cuts side by side. interesting when the black and white is out there in front of you.

prior military here. i was/still against the war in iraq. I was/still for the hunt in Afghanistan to find Bin Laden and bring his pos ass to justice.
Well it took me all of a couple seconds to find both so I wouldn't say I had to search very long to find either of them. Plenty more out there as well I just posted up a couple I liked best. I agree, we could do this forever and that was the point I was trying to make.

I am just the opposite and believe that this country will be in trouble if Obama wins.

I base my votes on just a couple key issues, I am not one to base my vote on money or economy even though I am much more financially stable and making more money now than I was before Bush took office and keeping more of my money because of the tax cuts he enacted. I am pro gun, Obama is NOT. I am pro choice, Obama is not. I am for smaller government, Obama is NOT. I am for sending illegal immigrants back home, Obama is NOT, he's even in favor of giving them drivers licenses, GET REAL. I believe character and integrity should still mean something.

SO you are saying you vote on emotional rather than rational issues. At least we know where you are coming from.

You are pro gun - because it is better to have a gun than a strong economy.
Ahh last I checked Obama is also pro-choice
Smaller goverment - Yeah I agree we definately need fewer cops....
Sending illegal immigrants back - weren't we founded by illegal immigrants? I guess it is a good thing Native Americans did not have this policy
Wait you also mentioned character and integrity which brings to mind:

"McCain released three new ads with multiple false and misleading claims about Obama's tax proposals."

McCain's lies overwhelm in their number, calculation and cynicism. Lately he has been on a rampage of untruths.

No, Obama does not intend to tax everyone. He would limit any income tax increase to households with incomes of more than $250,000. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center finds that Obama's tax plan would cut taxes for 81 percent of all households, 95 percent of households with kids.

No, as an Illinois state legislator Obama did not push for "comprehensive sex education" for kindergarteners. He supported a proposal for age appropriate sex education -- which, for kindergarteners, would have meant only making them aware of the possibility of sex abuse and teaching them means to counter it.

No, Obama did not compare Sarah Palin to a pig. He used an old saw -- if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig -- to scoff at McCain's recent reinvention of himself as a candidate of change. McCain has often used the pig quip himself.

No, Obama didn't, sexist-like, "dismiss" Palin as just "good-looking." Obama's running mate Joe Biden used the term but only in amused self-deprecation, as one of several ways the vice-presidential candidates differ from one another.

No, it is not true that Obama "doesn't want to drill offshore." He has supported offshore drilling as part of a comprehensive energy plan that would include conservation, development support for non-fossil fuels and, if safety concerns are satisfied, nuclear energy.

No, Obama wouldn't "force families into a government-run health care system where a bureaucrat would stand between you and your doctor." Obama's plan would create a voluntary public option for the uninsured. Others would keep their current insurance.

The list unfortunately goes on. And -- unfortunately again -- not surprisingly. This is the third election in a row in which Republican candidates, their campaigns and their surrogates have relied heavily on overweening smears for success.
Wait you also mentioned character and integrity which brings to mind:

"McCain released three new ads with multiple false and misleading claims about Obama's tax proposals."

McCain's lies overwhelm in their number, calculation and cynicism. Lately he has been on a rampage of untruths.

No, Obama does not intend to tax everyone. He would limit any income tax increase to households with incomes of more than $250,000. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center finds that Obama's tax plan would cut taxes for 81 percent of all households, 95 percent of households with kids.

No, as an Illinois state legislator Obama did not push for "comprehensive sex education" for kindergarteners. He supported a proposal for age appropriate sex education -- which, for kindergarteners, would have meant only making them aware of the possibility of sex abuse and teaching them means to counter it.

No, Obama did not compare Sarah Palin to a pig. He used an old saw -- if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig -- to scoff at McCain's recent reinvention of himself as a candidate of change. McCain has often used the pig quip himself.

No, Obama didn't, sexist-like, "dismiss" Palin as just "good-looking." Obama's running mate Joe Biden used the term but only in amused self-deprecation, as one of several ways the vice-presidential candidates differ from one another.

No, it is not true that Obama "doesn't want to drill offshore." He has supported offshore drilling as part of a comprehensive energy plan that would include conservation, development support for non-fossil fuels and, if safety concerns are satisfied, nuclear energy.

No, Obama wouldn't "force families into a government-run health care system where a bureaucrat would stand between you and your doctor." Obama's plan would create a voluntary public option for the uninsured. Others would keep their current insurance.

The list unfortunately goes on. And -- unfortunately again -- not surprisingly. This is the third election in a row in which Republican candidates, their campaigns and their surrogates have relied heavily on overweening smears for success.


The woman touted by John McCain as the most knowledgable person in America on energy issues has been having a lot of trouble getting her basic energy statistics straight. Last week, Sarah Palin told Charlie Gibson of ABC News that her state, Alaska, produced "nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy." Yesterday, she told a campaign rally in Golden, Colorado, that she had been responsible for overseeing "nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of oil and gas." Both claims are way off.

The Facts
While Alaska is a leading producer of crude oil, it produces relatively little natural gas, hardly any coal, and no nuclear power. Its share of oil production has been declining sharply, and now ranks lower than Texas and Louisiana. As the following table shows, Alaska is the ninth largest energy supplier in the United States, accounting for a modest 3.5 percent share of the nation's total energy production.
Now she wants a 600 million dollar bridge from her hometown to Anchorage even though it may worsen traffic and threaten the whale population. Check out the last sentence...wonder if it will go through?:rofl:

Sarah Palin supports $600 million 'other' bridge project

Updated Tuesday, September 16th 2008, 9:21 AM

The now famous locaton of the 'bridge to nowhere' connecting Ketchikan to Pennock Island (upper right) to Gravina Island.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Gov. Sarah Palin may eventually have said "no thanks" to a federally funded Bridge to Nowhere.

But a bridge to her hometown of Wasilla, that's a different story.

A $600 million bridge and highway project to link Alaska's largest city to Palin's town of 7,000 residents is moving full speed ahead, despite concerns the bridge could worsen some commuting and threaten a population of beluga whales.

Local officials already have spent $42 million on plans to route traffic across the Knik Arm inlet, a narrow finger of water extending roughly 25 miles northeast of Anchorage toward Wasilla. The proposal exists thanks to an earmark request by Republican Rep. Don Young, whose son-in-law has a small stake in property near the bridge's proposed western span.
SO you are saying you vote on emotional rather than rational issues. At least we know where you are coming from.

You are pro gun - because it is better to have a gun than a strong economy.
Ahh last I checked Obama is also pro-choice
Smaller goverment - Yeah I agree we definately need fewer cops....
Sending illegal immigrants back - weren't we founded by illegal immigrants? I guess it is a good thing Native Americans did not have this policy

Emotional?? How is gun control an emotional issue? How is abortion, the KILLING of an unborn child, an emotional issue.

As for your other comments about cops, nothing more than an attempt to get me to act the way you have here on this forum. I've got some super thick skin, you better go back and try again.

As for immigrants and Native Americans, are you saying you would like us to adopt the policies that the native americans had?? Are you really telling us we should kill every one of them we can find? A little harsh and extreme there aren't ya?

As I stated earlier, I was thinking one thing and typed another when I stated pro choice instead of pro life. Seems everyone else understood this without a problem as well. Let's be real here, Bush, McCain, Obama, Biden, Palin, none of them alone can change our economy. The biggest single act a president does is to appoint a justice to the US Supreme Court. This court is the one that makes rulings that have a direct effect on OUR day to day activities. Think for a minute, what if Al Gore had beat George W. Bush, what if Al Gore had been the one to appoint a few new justices? How would the hearing on the second ammendment in relation to DC's gun ban turned out? Agree or disagree with the second ammendment, your choice, but once you start changing the intent of our founding fathers when they inked the US Constitution, you have set this country up for failure. What would be next? Freedom of Speech and the right to assemble? What happens when someone interprets that as meaning we have the freedom to speak but only if we don't speak against the government? You can assemble but you can't do it for any type of political or religious reason. Think about it and be careful of what you wish for, you may just get it!
Emotional?? How is gun control an emotional issue? How is abortion, the KILLING of an unborn child, an emotional issue.

As for your other comments about cops, nothing more than an attempt to get me to act the way you have here on this forum. I've got some super thick skin, you better go back and try again.

As for immigrants and Native Americans, are you saying you would like us to adopt the policies that the native americans had?? Are you really telling us we should kill every one of them we can find? A little harsh and extreme there aren't ya?

As I stated earlier, I was thinking one thing and typed another when I stated pro choice instead of pro life. Seems everyone else understood this without a problem as well. Let's be real here, Bush, McCain, Obama, Biden, Palin, none of them alone can change our economy. The biggest single act a president does is to appoint a justice to the US Supreme Court. This court is the one that makes rulings that have a direct effect on OUR day to day activities. Think for a minute, what if Al Gore had beat George W. Bush, what if Al Gore had been the one to appoint a few new justices? How would the hearing on the second ammendment in relation to DC's gun ban turned out? Agree or disagree with the second ammendment, your choice, but once you start changing the intent of our founding fathers when they inked the US Constitution, you have set this country up for failure. What would be next? Freedom of Speech and the right to assemble? What happens when someone interprets that as meaning we have the freedom to speak but only if we don't speak against the government? You can assemble but you can't do it for any type of political or religious reason. Think about it and be careful of what you wish for, you may just get it!

WE DID GET IT! It is called The Patriot Act.
"WE DID GET IT! It is called The Patriot Act."

More aptly referred to as the suspension of our constitutional rights act, by every right thinking American.:thumbsup: