There is nothing wrong with our society helping people out when they are down. The problem is that we are going to ruin our ability to do that if we do not get better or more succesful models to work with. We are running into massive debt, and our ability to maintain welfare programs will diminish. Ya, I hear it there are some rich people we can still milk, but would it not be better if we could be more results oriented? It seems that we have our last $100 and we are just going back to the bar. For things to work, the logic has to work. Wants and wishes and feel goods only go so far, we need a sustainable model. I do not intend to compare the poor and out of luck to animals, I intend to point out that the logic of the program administrators is suspect due to the observed results. Sorry for any offense.
You just did that (point out we need a sustainable model) better than that stupid sign.