Once again you don't like the statements so let's spin it around in Liberal fashion.
ACORN has been all over the news. Court proceedings and all. Have you heard Obama say anything? Did Obama call for inquiries? Investigations, hearings etc.? Register 20 times for cigarettes and a can of Coke? Did we mention voter fraud?
Of course not. ACORN is for his political gain and they will do whatever it takes to win.
Radical Groups? He shared an office for three years with Bill Ayres. Think they crossed paths once or twice?
Bailout? Linked directly to Democrats. Yeah, it was FOX News. MSLSD ain't gonna report it.
Shared an office will Bill Ayres? Please source that tidbit.
My question about the bailout was how is that not socialist, not who came up with it. BTW McCain voted for it.