Be afraid... Very afraid.

Not in the least, thus far = 8 yrs of republican b.s. in the white house. for you its either blame the democrat before this plunder or blame the democrat after...
Not in the least, thus far = 8 yrs of republican b.s. in the white house. for you its either blame the democrat before this plunder or blame the democrat after...

I'm what you would call more of an independent and vote for the person not the party. As for who to blame, I like to blame the one at fault, just so happens much of this mess we are in right now is because of the last democrat that was in the white house.

You know the one that didn't inhale or have sex with that woman. The one whose foreign policy was to just send a couple tomahawk missiles in and hope they would surrender. Or what about giving nuclear secrets to the chinese, they are such a great country to be trusted to begin with. The list goes on and on.

How many of these incidents has Bush had? As far as I am concerned he has stuck to what was right not matter how unpoplular it was. Something to be said for character.

Now when it comes to the next president, who will serve this country with integrity and character with the country's best interest at heart? Sure isn't Obama. He wouldn't even wear a flag on his lapel until the public caught wind and turned up the heat. His own wife introduced him as her "baby's daddy" His own wife made the comment that she was never proud of this country til he ran for president.

Obama was helped to power by an Illinois State Senator by the name of Emil Jones. Do some research on him and see how he treats the poor. He's such a help to the poor that he alone was the one that blocked any efforts to stabilize electric rates here in IL. Yeah I have neighbors who have all electric homes that had their electric bills more than double in the period of one month. Emil Jones was also the lone person who blocked an ethics reform bill. And who will be one of the first ones to get a favor from Obama should he get elected president? Emil Jones.

While he's at it maybe he can give a presidential pardon to his old bank roll Tony Rezko who has been convicted of wrongdoings on the federal level.

The list just goes on and on and on with this guy.

I live here in IL and have seen how corrupt those who have helped him rise to power are, if he gets elected it won't take long for the rest of the country to realize they were lied to and tricked into believing he would bring hope and change.
I'm what you would call more of an independent and vote for the person not the party. As for who to blame, I like to blame the one at fault, just so happens much of this mess we are in right now is because of the last democrat that was in the white house.

You know the one that didn't inhale or have sex with that woman. The one whose foreign policy was to just send a couple tomahawk missiles in and hope they would surrender. Or what about giving nuclear secrets to the chinese, they are such a great country to be trusted to begin with. The list goes on and on.

How many of these incidents has Bush had? As far as I am concerned he has stuck to what was right not matter how unpoplular it was. Something to be said for character.

Now when it comes to the next president, who will serve this country with integrity and character with the country's best interest at heart? Sure isn't Obama. He wouldn't even wear a flag on his lapel until the public caught wind and turned up the heat. His own wife introduced him as her "baby's daddy" His own wife made the comment that she was never proud of this country til he ran for president.

Obama was helped to power by an Illinois State Senator by the name of Emil Jones. Do some research on him and see how he treats the poor. He's such a help to the poor that he alone was the one that blocked any efforts to stabilize electric rates here in IL. Yeah I have neighbors who have all electric homes that had their electric bills more than double in the period of one month. Emil Jones was also the lone person who blocked an ethics reform bill. And who will be one of the first ones to get a favor from Obama should he get elected president? Emil Jones.

While he's at it maybe he can give a presidential pardon to his old bank roll Tony Rezko who has been convicted of wrongdoings on the federal level.

The list just goes on and on and on with this guy.

I live here in IL and have seen how corrupt those who have helped him rise to power are, if he gets elected it won't take long for the rest of the country to realize they were lied to and tricked into believing he would bring hope and change.

Well said; I've got my absentee ballot, made my choices, and sending it in tomorrow. Its all gab from shadetree politicians on a bike site; vote with confidence. :war:
Now when it comes to the next president, who will serve this country with integrity and character with the country's best interest at heart? Sure isn't Obama. He wouldn't even wear a flag on his lapel until the public caught wind and turned up the heat. His own wife introduced him as her "baby's daddy" His own wife made the comment that she was never proud of this country til he ran for president.

Are you actually suggesting that wearing a tiny brass American flag (no doubt of Chinese origin) pinned to a piece of clothing is a qualification? That it has any bearing on who is well intentioned or has "integrity and character?" On who will serve with the "country's best interests at heart?" Are other fashion accessories fair game as well? Does argyle and tweed automatically disqualify one from participation in representative democracy? How about earrings? Are we destined for a future where all political candidates will be judged solely by the enormous Flava Flav style bejeweled flags with embedded clocks that they wear around their necks in public?

Furthermore, do you actually believe that someone who's wife may have become disillusioned with what this country has morphed into under the last 30 years of nearly unbroken Neoconservative rule...someone who is hopeful that her husband may become an agent for change in a system that is clearly somehow less qualified because of it?

"Yes I know you said you love America...but how much do you REALLY love America? How much does your wife REALLY love America? You didn't answer quickly enough, you're obviously a terrorist. Give us a number on a scale of 1-10...c'mon, give us a quantifiable number. Reduce everything to binary terms and sound byte answers so Fox's golden child can slap it on the screen during his moronic and often lampooned "talking points" segment. We'll even put up a pie chart...'this just in, John McCain loves America exactly 46.938% MORE than Barrack Obama ever will, the size of his flag pin proves it.'"

Let's face facts, this is all just mindless noise. This elections "October surprise" is sure to have everything to do with ACORN, which is completely and totally misunderstood by nearly everyone who talks about it. Voter registrations do NOT equal votes. ACORN is obligated BY LAW to turn in EVERY voter registration form they receive from canvassers whether they believe it to be fraudulent or not. The ones they do find suspect or take issue with are clearly red flagged and marked with a cover letter, it is up to the voting officials whether or not to disregard or include these flagged registrations. Wherever registration forms have been found to be fraudulent, ACORN has complied with and fully supported investigations and terminated the employees responsible. The DA who prosecuted the case against ACORN in Washington even stated that he believed the fraud was intended to bilk ACORN and not to influence the election.

But none of this addresses the fact that voter registrations have no bearing on the number of votes cast. Someone could push through a registration for Jack Benny, but unless someone who looks like him and plays violin badly enough actually shows up with a verifiable ID that false registration can not be turned into a vote. ACORN does not control the votes, they don't even really "control" the voter registrations, but that's beside the point. If you want to talk about election fraud and ACTUAL control of ACTUAL votes you'd better start talking about Diebold and their massive fund raising campaigns and donations to the Republican party.

As for Bill Ayers:

"This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received any official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow, as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts when I was eight years old...that this somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense..."

Now then...who would like to talk about William Timmons, McCain's transition chief, and his "ties" to Tariq Aziz and Nizar Hamdoon, Saddam Hussein's two top advisers. It's not hard to find some kind of "radical" in anyone's background when you look hard enough and with the right kind of eyes.

The McCain campaign has reached Elizabeth Kubler Ross' first stage of grief...denial. Beware, anger and bargaining come long before acceptance.
After eight years of ruining the economy and our relationship with the world, it's time we give someone else a chance to give a voice to the poor and forgotten of this Country. It's the least we can do for four years of this Country's history, and if you don't like it, we can go back to giving our money to the oil companies in the next election.

And along the way, maybe we can use just a tiny fraction of the $10,000,000,000.00 (Ten Billion Dollars) we spend each month in Iraq to help our own--including our forgotten veterans and their families.
Scar in the political forums? This is getting serious.
Crashbomb read my mind as far as the whole "american flag pendant" thing. That was silly. He also made some very other good points.
DON'T BE afraid...Social Darwinism allowed to grow unchecked will have us feeding upon on another (root bound plants literally feed off their own roots) ...banks, bankers, the Pharisee of fascist goverment looking at us as if we're food, selling us loans, IOUs to China, selling our children into slavery....OR Socialism, where "all of the animals are equal but some are more equal than others..." ANIMAL FARM George Orwell...Or, OR maybe just be in the moment, the hug of your child, your wife, be your breath, You're only alive NOW and you're with 'God' ...You're 'not' alive an hour from now, nor are you alive an hour ago...Give yourself permission to take a breath, let it out slowly, go surfing, get laid, say hi to a stranger....relax, then relax again...just like you're focused and relaxed when you're entering a high speed turn..."everything's transpiring the way it's supposed to.." Indian Larry...
I am so ready for this election to take place an be over. I love history/politics/ecomonics. These were some of my favorite areas of study in college. I will admit that I have VERY STRONG opinions and views regarding my beliefs, but I also respect that everyone has the right to their own opinion. I have just come to the conclusion that it is more productive to beat my head against the wall than to try to "argue" my political views with someone of differing mindset.

Do not get me wrong, I do enjoy a nice healthy debate now and then. I have just grown tired of the daily 24/7 in your face politics we see on the tv, newspaper, and internet. I have made up my mind who I am voting for and at this point, and in fact voted for that same candidate in the primaries. Nothing anyone says to me is going to change how I cast my ballot.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

What all of you dont understand, is that it will NEVER change. The system is corrupt, and ALL of the ones running the show are corrupt. It does not matter who gets in. If you are a politician, you are a crook! Bottom line.
This country is only getting worse and worse. And they keep on taking and taking more from us!
What all of you dont understand, is that it will NEVER change. The system is corrupt, and ALL of the ones running the show are corrupt. It does not matter who gets in. If you are a politician, you are a crook! Bottom line.
This country is only getting worse and worse. And they keep on taking and taking more from us!

We are the only one that can change it.

If there ever was a time for a third party it is now. I completely agree that the choices given are sad so yes, it's the best of two evils.

I grew up Democrat but the Party has gone to far to the left for me. I cannot vote for Obama given several things.

Three years in office with two years campaigning for office with the help of the left wing media. No foreign policy experience. No military experience. No proposed legislation while in office. Links to extreme radicals. Money trails to ACORN and bailout fiasco. Increase tax for those that work and more welfare for those that don't. Socialist thinking bringing us to European level government.

More education vouchers that do nothing for our kids education other than milk the system while keeping our teachers wages low and the classrooms full. Lowering SAT scores to push them out instead of an Education and the list goes on.

Medical care? Yea, it's out of control but a Government run system? Like Amtrack who has not shown a profit since creation in 1971? You bet. Financial bailout? Can't wait to see this.

Obama is buying his way into the White House with campaign contributions
(150 million last month) and the Liberal media

Picking Joe Biden as Vice President? May GOD protect you Obama if you win the election. This guys mouth is worse than John Kerry. Taxes are patriotic? Still laughing on that one.

Both candidates say "jobs". How old is that promise Obama and McCain? There are no blue collar jobs nor will any be created with higher tax rates to small business and pulling the current tax credits given to business down in 2010.

Like the first post. It's our right to vote so please do so. It's going to be interesting to say the least.

Be affraid. Very affraid.

We are the only one that can change it.

If there ever was a time for a third party it is now. I completely agree that the choices given are sad so yes, it's the best of two evils.

More education vouchers that do nothing for our kids education other than milk the system while keeping our teachers wages low and the classrooms full. Lowering SAT scores to push them out instead of an Education and the list goes on.

Medical care? Yea, it's out of control but a Government run system? Like Amtrack who has not shown a profit since creation in 1971? You bet. Financial bailout? Can't wait to see this.

Both candidates say "jobs". How old is that promise Obama and McCain? There are no blue collar jobs nor will any be created with higher tax rates to small business and pulling the current tax credits given to business down in 2010.

Like the first post. It's our right to vote so please do so. It's going to be interesting to say the least.

Be affraid. Very affraid.


You said a mouthful, some of which I actually agree with.

The bottom line in all of this is no matter which one of them is elected, NEITHER of them can do EVERYTHING that they have promised. There will have to be some sacrifices, but where will they come from.

As far as educational vouchers, McCain is the one pushing for more of them. Obama is not for perpetuating them as that is not an across the board solution.

As far as jobs go, I can't really see where either of them will be able to put a massive dent in the current unemployment levels in their first year. There is potential, IF we can get manufacturing in all industries back into play as a domestic activity, and keep US companies from selling out and moving their operations elsewhere for cheap labor & tax breaks.

As far as the economy, hell both of them voted for the bailout, which I am not a fan of. That plan has too much BS built in to keep the azzholes that created the problem from getting the real foot-to-da-ass that they deserve. We need to quit giving them overladen parting gifts, and give them what they deserve ................ JAIL TIME.

So Rune, you are correct, we all need to be afraid .............. afraid that things won't get better on Nov. 5th 2008, and realize it will most likely be Nov 5, 2012 or 2016 before things get right.
We are the only one that can change it.

If there ever was a time for a third party it is now. I completely agree that the choices given are sad so yes, it's the best of two evils.

I grew up Democrat but the Party has gone to far to the left for me. I cannot vote for Obama given several things.

Three years in office with two years campaigning for office with the help of the left wing media. No foreign policy experience. No military experience. No proposed legislation while in office. Links to extreme radicals. Money trails to ACORN and bailout fiasco. Increase tax for those that work and more welfare for those that don't. Socialist thinking bringing us to European level government.
- The "links" to extremem radicals have been hashed out and disproven
- ACORN? Sheesh...another failed attemt by the right to smear, again disproven.
-Socialist Thinking? What about the bail out? That was both dems and reps and more socialist than any specific thing Obama has proposed?

More education vouchers that do nothing for our kids education other than milk the system while keeping our teachers wages low and the classrooms full. Lowering SAT scores to push them out instead of an Education and the list goes on. McCain is for Vouchers too...way more so than Obama

Medical care? Yea, it's out of control but a Government run system? Like Amtrack who has not shown a profit since creation in 1971? You bet. Financial bailout? Can't wait to see this.

Obama is buying his way into the White House with campaign contributions
(150 million last month) and the Liberal media - How is he buying it? Voters are contributing so he can get his message out.

Picking Joe Biden as Vice President? May GOD protect you Obama if you win the election. This guys mouth is worse than John Kerry. Taxes are patriotic? Still laughing on that one.

Both candidates say "jobs". How old is that promise Obama and McCain? There are no blue collar jobs nor will any be created with higher tax rates to small business and pulling the current tax credits given to business down in 2010. - It worked when Clinton did it in the early 90's.

Like the first post. It's our right to vote so please do so. It's going to be interesting to say the least.

Be affraid. Very affraid.


I guess my big question is: Why do you think McCain can't get his message across based upon his position with the issues. Why are people not convinced his proposals have merit?
Once again you don't like the statements so let's spin it around in Liberal fashion.

ACORN has been all over the news. Court proceedings and all. Have you heard Obama say anything? Did Obama call for inquiries? Investigations, hearings etc.? Register 20 times for cigarettes and a can of Coke? Did we mention voter fraud?

Of course not. ACORN is for his political gain and they will do whatever it takes to win.

Radical Groups? He shared an office for three years with Bill Ayres. Think they crossed paths once or twice?

Bailout? Linked directly to Democrats. Yeah, it was FOX News. MSLSD ain't gonna report it.
