Pro-life or Pro-Death

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sure he did, when he decided to rape a child or kill an innocent person on the street, or shoot up a school. They signed their own death warrant.

So back on topic, we really haven't gotten anywhere with the abortion topic. we have some fairly strong opinions to be sure. So on the subject of when a fetus becomes a separate organism, I'd argue that when it has genetic code different than that of the mother, it's no longer part of her body. Yes, it requires sustenance from her to grow, but it has it's own genetic code, it's a different thing, you know?
funny thing is the degree of difficulty securing a conviction in some cases... one liberal on a jury and a bad bad man walks free.... capital punishment? that's a heavy burden on a jury member... I don't care what anyone says.... sending a man to die weighs heavily on ure conscience..... and then YOU THE JURY member BECOME A MURDERER.... remember that... still got the stomach for this? How are u gonna excplain this to "god".... u gonna tell god that DE FACTO.... u ARE GOD and can condemn him to die? u are not god... only god decides who lives and dies.... ideally.

Ideally, murder would never occur and babies would be born smiling with a family that loves them. Being a juror condemning someone to death weighs less than me literally making the decision to let someone die in an effort to save another. I've done that several times. I dont believe in "God" but what I do know is "God" didnt allow that person to get hurt in an accident. I, however, did make a judgment call based on medical knowledge and understanding of time to allow someone to die. Does that make me a bad person?
Ideally, murder would never occur and babies would be born smiling with a family that loves them. Being a juror condemning someone to death weighs less than me literally making the decision to let someone die in an effort to save another. I've done that several times. I dont believe in "God" but what I do know is "God" didnt allow that person to get hurt in an accident. I, however, did make a judgment call based on medical knowledge and understanding of time to allow someone to die. Does that make me a bad person?
we are all gods children... good or bad..... gods children.... someone or something did CREATE allll this around us.... look out into the sky. A life is a life...…….. murderer or saint..... god gave life to both.... only he decides who lives and dies...… allllllllllll the medical training in the world cant help u if its ure trime to die.
we are all gods children... good or bad..... gods children.... someone or something did CREATE allll this around us.... look out into the sky. A life is a life...…….. murderer or saint..... god gave life to both.

I'm a realist not a theorist. My parents gave me life. I gave my kids their lives.
I still think the sterilization after 2 is a viable, middle of the road solution.
I would ask God's mercy on a child molestor...and on me for killing them.
It would Not bother me a bit to kill them.
It would eat me up inside knowing that I had let them live to do it again.
If you belive in God, then you can see in the Bible where He directly And indirectly killed Alot of bad people.
Back on topic, killing an unborn, and born child is truly vile and evil.
Jesus said " Woe to anyone who would harm one of these little ones". As in, He pointed out that is Not something you want to do, as the reprocussions will be awful, and fitting.
As I've said, whether or not someone belives in God is their own choice. But, the world has strayed so far from any morals or values.
We have truly reached a turning point in society. The Bible says, in the last days, right will be called wrong, and wrong will be called right. And we are clearly seeing that.
Now, I'm not saying Jesus is coming tomorrow, and it's all over. Who knows how long a God day is compared to a man day.
What I see is a predicted time of when things truly go off the rails, and a point where society will not return to a moral place.
Of course the topic at hand strays, but look around. Illegals commit crimes with little to no consequence, they have more rights than citizens.
You can't offend anyone, or disagree with what they say, there must be tolerance for Everything...except Christian values.
I no longer see how Anyone can call themself a Christian And a democrat either, as one now completely contradicts the other.
Rant over...for the moment.
look at what has become of the Democratic party......….. and what has become of the Republicans....... they each are digging in their heels and refusing to move...… THANK GOD that we as americans can flip-flop parties in power every so often...…. that's the reason we still exist as a country...… we find the middle ground as a people.... even if some wont admit it.... that's why this American experiment still works..... and our freedoms are preserved........... thank god for our freedoms.
the giant problem here is the taking away of individuals freedom.... ie… a slippery slope into communism...…. ie….. tyrannical hell
By that logic, we should get rid of prisons altogether.
I would ask God's mercy on a child molestor...and on me for killing them.
It would Not bother me a bit to kill them.
It would eat me up inside knowing that I had let them live to do it again.
If you belive in God, then you can see in the Bible where He directly And indirectly killed Alot of bad people.
Back on topic, killing an unborn, and born child is truly vile and evil.
Jesus said " Woe to anyone who would harm one of these little ones". As in, He pointed out that is Not something you want to do, as the reprocussions will be awful, and fitting.
As I've said, whether or not someone belives in God is their own choice. But, the world has strayed so far from any morals or values.
We have truly reached a turning point in society. The Bible says, in the last days, right will be called wrong, and wrong will be called right. And we are clearly seeing that.
Now, I'm not saying Jesus is coming tomorrow, and it's all over. Who knows how long a God day is compared to a man day.
What I see is a predicted time of when things truly go off the rails, and a point where society will not return to a moral place.
Of course the topic at hand strays, but look around. Illegals commit crimes with little to no consequence, they have more rights than citizens.
You can't offend anyone, or disagree with what they say, there must be tolerance for Everything...except Christian values.
I no longer see how Anyone can call themself a Christian And a democrat either, as one now completely contradicts the other.
Rant over...for the moment.
a life sentence guarantees that no child molester will reoffend.... without killing and joining the ranks of murderers...… NO EMOTION here..... just good values, and a clear sight of the direction we should strive for.... We should hold ourselves to a different standard than the animals do and not act like they do..... as tempting as it is to just want to kill them off.
By that logic, we should get rid of prisons altogether.
prison is a warehouse for bad people to protect the good people..... u wanna force sterilize people who have committed no crime.... a scary thought to give politicians and government THAT POWER
they took part in ending two lives, how is that not a crime?
prison is a warehouse for bad people to protect the good people..... u wanna force sterilize people who have committed no crime.... a scary thought to give politicians and government THAT POWER
they took part in ending two lives, how is that not a crime?
again..... that's up to the judicial branch of the government to decide..... and thank god that there is separation of powers and checks and balances to protect our freedoms and rights.... if u force sterilize citizens who have been convicted of no crime.... its a matter of time before we have no more rights left as citizens...…. the abuse of power would become rampant.
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