Projekt Diesel


Attention all weight room veterans.

I want to add size to my backarm/tris at the area near my elbow since it appears to not have a lot of muscle. This may be due to my tall-man, long-arm genetics. I have decent size on the tris themselves but it is higher on my arm than I would like.

I have been doing lots of dips on arm day lately as well as doing classic stuff like bench press and other collateral exercises such as dumbell presses and dumbell shoulder/military presses. This is due to the purported benefits of using compound exercises for mass building as they involve a larger group of muscles.
Also, I tend to have trouble with "skullcrushers" since my left shoulder acts like it is going to pop out of the socket.

What in your experience has been the most productive way (ruling out dianabol or other supps)to add mass to the triceps? Moreover, what should I do to add mass near the elbow?
Mass near the elbow... Might Check into Implants...
If you have a hard time with skullcrushers then try a reverse grip bench press instead (both close grip and wide rip, keeping your elbows in close to your body). There is less of a strain on the shoulder with these and still target the area you are trying to hit. For info though, if your shoulder feels unstable during certain movements, then you need to work on them a bit. The best thing you can do for the shoulder is to incorporate movements that hit the entire rotator cuff. The rotator is used to stabilize the shoulder joint, so strengthening it will help to keep your shoulder from "popping out of joint".
Hey Projekt,

The skull crushers are about the best IMO to target that area..

Try working some lower weight/higher rep. inclined bench presses and shoulder shrugs to strengthen your shoulders first. You need to do some back work as well so you don't get out of balance on the front. I use a bowflex at home, and like to do a seated two-hand pull right to my chest to work my back (these will help with the tri's as well). Once you get those started good, start increasing the weight and decreasing the reps to get them strong. (I would start with 12-15 reps., then decrease to 8-10 reps as you get a good base built). You can still do the skull crushers while you are strengthening your shoulders/back, just use lower weight and more reps there as well.

Hope this helps man...
Sounds about right.. Similar to the advice I am getting on a muscle forum. Mostly though the guys there are honest and say that genetics dictates where the mass ends up more than the form or quantity of exercise.
Yeah, genetics of course makes up a large part of it, but you can still get good results by isolating and working on area's in need...