
I have DejaVues all the time. Sometimes what's happening is so familiar is scares me. What's gonna happen next is always just right there but I can't speak it or 'see' it until after it happens. These are vivid eerie feelings of already knowing exactly what's going to happen.

Also seems to me to happen alot that when I think of somebody they call me within seconds?
For no reason at all somebody's name will pop in mind and then they call?
I cannot think about my wife for more than a few seconds at work before she calls me.

I took alot of LSD growing up and I think I may have unlocked a door or two in my mind.

Those phenomenons are pretty common and just the tip of the iceberg that people refuse to see. The reason we have those thoughts is due to our "connection" to our friends/loved ones. The sixth sense is simple another natural sense that some people are tuned into more than others who are either too distracted or refuse to accept. We are not really that far evolved out of primitiveness to have shed the natural senses all mammals have possessed for eternities.
If it existed, why do children still get shot in schools? Why did 9/11 still happen? Why do thousands of other tragedies still occur everyday? I agree that some odd things that can't always be explained happen, but if these paranormal powers were tangible, I'd assume these things wouldn't happen.
As for the the CIA experiments, we know about them, so they must not have gone all that well. :laugh:

We know what "they" want us to know. What we don't know is the really good stuff.
My basis is old teacher fell off a roof...many broken bones and opted for a study = biofeedback for a rapid recovery. He did a demo that took 20 minutes showing blood flow control...a sweaty red arm and a white cold left arm. The control he demonstrated was to promote blood a wound / broken bone it would heal quicker.

Later on there were several hypnosis classes...the validity for me was that some people I knew were doing things that they would never do in public. Is was a suggestion and they were allowing it to happen....say 40% of the crowd was unable to relax enough to reach that point. Some people were acting like Elvis and other singers.

Any athlete will endure pain and keep going...the body is stronger than the mind birth a set of cells grow and go dormant...imagine regenerating a cut off finger tip like a star fish can grow another portion of its body...just a concept / locked away in the human body.

TED has many awesome things...10 yrs ago there was a similar it surfaces again...

Atala: Printing a human kidney - YouTube[/url]
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wife and kids see things....and there seems to be support in my observations to support it..
At the most generic feeling from the gut...of stop...look again...or just a great comfortable feeling of today will be a great day. It is worth noticing and being thankful for the day..on the other hand of working hard a getting what you deserve is also a nice and logical reward. If you have ever camped out in a hospital for a loved one when the days get tough quick...for me when I walked around and shared feelings with other patients or family members...quickly material things did not matter so much...becoming a care giver consumed me...helping / teaching others is something that I basically do for free
I love that impulse that makes you look in a certain direction only to find an attractive woman gazing at you. That is my favorite bit of this phenomenon. :yes:
I love that impulse that makes you look in a certain direction only to find an attractive woman gazing at you. That is my favorite bit of this phenomenon. :yes:

I have that, but my internal radar senses a cop and I slow down...kept me from getting a speeding ticket for a long, long time... :whistle:
Are we talking Psychic, or Psycho? Cause I know a lot of women out there......:rofl:

Am I Psychic if ever time I call Tuf he says, "I was just getting ready to call you"...?
Are we talking Psychic, or Psycho? Cause I know a lot of women out there......:rofl:

Am I Psychic if ever time I call Tuf he says, "I was just getting ready to call you"...?

Psycho is a recognized condition. So it isn't nearly as interesting.
We've all had our fair share of psycho chics. That is what I used my powers to see and therefore weed them out.
Projekt! Why are you ignoring me? You haven't answered any of my requests!!!
Actually he already answered!
I was trying to reach you through the intention of the OP but got no response and decided to reach out and touch you internetically. I thought you would have heard me tele-pathetically thru the airwaves.
I was merely wanting to know when you would be available to ride a little ride with me?
Just ask'n!
:laugh: Shoot, soon enough.. Hopefully in the next few weeks.
Interestingly enough, I was thinking of you in the last few days. Was thinking of trying to have a small meet and greet of west coast Busa riders and you popped into my mind.