This is some really good info. Could the pads be one of the problems that is causing his issues? In my thinking it sounds like the pads are worn for the stock rotors and not the Galfer's. The new levers might also need to be adjusted.Let me help you guys out a tad here. Stainless steel wave rotors preform no better better than the stock rotors for a street rider. The only advantage to a wave rotor is more efficient cooling. On the streets or back road twisties you won't create enough heat to make a difference.
However, on the track where the brakes are heavily used there is an advantage when it comes to brake fade toward the end of a session.
I am suspicious your brakes have a little air left in the system. Bleed them thoroughly and install a set of aftermarket pads. I use EBC HH Extreme Pros. These pads don't grip any better than the standard EBC HH pads but the feel is fenominally better. If you are a late braker and trail brake into the corner, you'll like these pads. A bit spendy but I think they are worth it!
Your Pazzo levers have no effect on the vague feeling. You should have a nice firm lever with the SS lines. Once the pads make contact with the rotor the lever should firm up very quickly. If they don't firm up quickly, you most likely have air in the system. Use a good Dot4 fluid with a very high boiling point. Motorex makes really good fluid!
One other thing, when you break in new pads you need to burn them in. Use the brakes heavily, get them hot and seat them to the rotor.