I have had my fav car in my life stolen 3 days after I moved to FL 25 yrs ago.
It was an 88 Trans Am. Beautiful all white with red interior. I special ordered it
as a GTA with auto delete so it came with five speed. It was the only 5 speed 350 I ever saw.
You could not order a 5 speed in a GTA but if you clicked automatic trans delete on the order sheet the line defaulted and put a manual in the car.....awesome insider knowledge.
I also ordered it with no power windows or locks to save that little weight cuz I was 18 and Michael Knight.
Any way 3 days after gettin here I wake up at 2 am with the wierdest feeling in me.
Check my brother, check the driveway. Hmm go back inside...wait a min WTF wheres my car !!!!! She was gone.
The West Palm PD found it less than 3 hrs later with no wheels, NO ENGINE, no rear deck,
no hood, no seats.....and a bunch else....LESS THAN 3 HRS. Down a dead end less than 5miles from my house. Ins screwed me. Did not total it. I was young and got FFFd !
4 mos later I get her back. Put it in the driveway . This time I hook up a sensor that you use to turn on a light instead I hooked it up to a buzzer so anytime somebody came on the drive it went bzzzzzzzz.
Durn thing bzzzd all the time from all the cats...
....but just like fishin I caught em.
BZZZZZZ about 3 am. I look out. Holy Frick. This time they are trying to stealing my neighbors tool box out of his truck bed.
Rambo thoughts process I grab my 1911 go outside......HEY GD FAAAAAREEEEEZE ! (Still young 19). Guy at truck jumps in the car. Car mashes gas an comes flying at me. Finger on the trigger, ready in that last millisecond I saw it was just 3 kids younger than me they looked. I had to jump hollywood style out of the way to keep from gettin killed. I got the plate and they got popped cuz they were out in mommas car without permission.
Just couldnt do it.
But the look in the kids face in the pass seat I am sure he still talks about.
He was scared chitless...
I dont think I wanna live with another shooting in my head certainly not over property.
Heck I even got carjacked by a guy at a light whom I assumed was one with a sign beggin for $.
I had just left the range not one min before. Still had my pistol on my side under the shirt.
Pass by the guy trying not to make eye contact cuz if you do then they come over.
Next thing I know and feel is gun at my head and 'Outta the car MoFo'.
Hey who am I to argue with a guy who has a gun to my head no matter what I had.
Took the car....screachin tires...
I'm standing in the middle of a 6 lane intersection
I see at least 10 people in cars and out on cellphones.
Not 2 min later like 20 cops were there.
Yes here in SoFla you see one everywhere all the time..
Thats why you always see my county on cops......Palm Beach county.
Full of cops . Full of dummies.
They found the car same TA less than 2 miles down the street in a Babies R Us parking lot door open engine running.
Bad luck with the TA so I sold it before she killed me.....
ps......Vonderbach 'forcible felony' is also considered to be if the perp has to use 'force' to commit that felony no matter the crime.
And by breaking into the car by any means he did commit a forcible felony.
But anyway it doesnt matter cuz Grand theft Auto is also on Fl statutes as a forcible felony even if the door is open and the keys are in the ignition......GTA 'forcible felony' justifiable use of force......BUT.....and a big BUT.........you still have to be in the act of preventing that felony. Hence once someone has hopped in your open car with keys in it you can not run after them shooting.........BUT.......fleeing the scene of a felony you have commited in Fl is also a felony.........It gets confusing really.
Best and only line is....
You have to be able to honestly look somebody in the face and say 'If I did not I would be dead. I genuinely feared for my life'
If I cant say that I aint firing.