R.I.P. 05 busa

glad to see you are on the road to recovery!! heal up quickly and get back in the saddle soon!!
Ouch, give me a moment to get myself off the floor. Sorry to hear about your fight with the fence.

It looks more like Zorro has been at work on your chest, hope you're not too sore for much longer.
Glad the surgery went well. Get through the recovery quickly. Let us know how it's going.
Hm.. that full gear you were using came in handy ehm? wait.. TV-shirts don't count as gear. Atleast you had a helmet on, things could of been alot worse.

I'm Happy your still alive. I lost 2 Friends this year to bikes. 1 is drunk driver hit him and the other was a pickup truck had something fly out and he over reacted and ate pavement badly "No Gear"

I hope you get yourself a nice leather jacket when you get your next Busa. Spending $400 on jacket is alot better then spending $400 at doc in my eyes.
Hm.. that full gear you were using came in handy ehm? wait.. TV-shirts don't count as gear. Atleast you had a helmet on, things could of been alot worse.

I'm Happy your still alive. I lost 2 Friends this year to bikes. 1 is drunk driver hit him and the other was a pickup truck had something fly out and he over reacted and ate pavement badly "No Gear"

I hope you get yourself a nice leather jacket when you get your next Busa. Spending $400 on jacket is alot better then spending $400 at doc in my eyes.
Apparently you missed the pictures... you know, the jacket was shown. What do you expect me to wear under the jacket? Sorry the t-shirt didn't meet your approval. Thanks for the sarcasm though, but I do own a jacket. Try reading the whole thread before you post.
To everyone who took the time to read this, thanks for all the sympathy and kind words. Healing will be slow, but it's on the way. Thanks again!
heal up quick, blu...and get to rehab'ing that shoulder ASAP.

I mean, c'mon....how else are ya gonna lay down the "pimp hand"?

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Hope you have a speedy recovery BLU. I hope all newbies and squids can observe the softer side of what can happen before making a busa your first bike, and yes Blu is an experienced RYDA
Glad to hear you are still with us after that. Enjoy the drugs from the surgery and hope you heal quickly.
Concentrate on getting better now, then post up letting us know what you need to get the bike back together.:)
Concentrate on getting better now, then post up letting us know what you need to get the bike back together.:)

good news is that the Busa is in pretty damn good shape for an "80-90MPH" get off.

I crunched my previous bike with a mere 65-70MPH mousetrap.
I shattered both wheels and twisted everything....

Heal, acknowledge the good fortune...and rebuild!
Just found the thread - Glad surgery went well and here's hoping the recovery is going well.

Loved the Cpt Morgan shot! Glad to see you have kept your sense of humor.

Have you had anyone translate that Kanjii on your stomach yet?
How did I miss this too?
that cpt morgan shot was so YOU dude.

Damn, I get busy and work and a bro goes down without me here to send my pitiful moral support.

Ok, I'm thinking about you, you'll feel all kinds of better now I'm sure. Oh who am I kidding. Take more of those happy pills and you'll feel better.

Seriously, Thoughts are with you through your recovery. Big UPs to your wife for updating the thread. She rocks!