R1 Steve Mead


The call for swift justice are wqell intended but have you considered that it was possibly the fear of such justice that motivated theses tools to run away in the first place.

When you have such things as mandatory sentencing then it will leave thses criminals with no alternative.

Answers? I have none.

I too have been hit by I fool in a van running a red light but he stopped and helped. If he had been someone scared of his third strike and 20 years behind bars maybe I would have been left in the gutter...

Very sorry to hear of this terrible tragedy. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
The call for swift justice are wqell intended but have you considered that it was possibly the fear of such justice that motivated theses tools to run away in the first place.

When you have such things as mandatory sentencing then it will leave thses criminals with no alternative.

Answers? I have none.

I too have been hit by I fool in a van running a red light but he stopped and helped. If he had been someone scared of his third strike and 20 years behind bars maybe I would have been left in the gutter...
If they would've stopped to help, or just stopped, it wouldn't have been a strike... It would be a accident, a senseless, stupid one, but one nonetheless. Unless they were drunk or high, then they shouldn't have been driving in the first place.

Honestly, anyone can and have ran redlights. We all did at one point, whether in our cages or bikes. And in the unfortunate event that we hit someone in that situation and that person is seriously injured or killed, what's the worst that can happen? A serious fine? Suspended license for 6 months? Our insurance pay the max of our policy? And for some, it may haunt our conscience. But running to leave someone to die from our mistakes??

Sorry, but there's no justification for running... Unless you're drunk or high, then again: Should'nt have been driving/riding in the first place.

So what happened to that fool that hit you with his van while he was running a red? I'm curious.
he stopped and help me.

his punishment for running a red while asleep and destroying my VTR1000, my clothes, a couple of ribs, lots of skin ??

he got a ticket for running a red light. pretty much didnt seem to matter that he had hit someone.

go figure...

No punishment could be too severe for those that ran